silentscream Search

Friday, August 22, 2008

Help me, I'm jaded ...

Met up with Sam and Kav the other night. We had a fun meet up. I intro-ed Sam to my guy for the first time. He (Sam) had known of the other guy in my life through my blog page. He (Sam) didn't really get a chance to grill me about him (CM). More like I was evading the questions. So anyways, Sam had to go off earlier and so it was just me and Kav and CM. Seriously, they clicked so well. I did tell CM if we had not hooked up, I would have intro-ed him to Kav. :)

I'm feeling kinda sick of work at the moment. I just feel so yucky and weirded out by everything. I am just hoping to get through each day at a time. Just taking things slow and hoping for the best. I hope I didn't breakdown mentally before my time is up.

Tempers have been short as the days chalks up. People in the office had been kinda frustrated with one another and casualties are bound to happen. I have been keeping to my official work hours and maximising my break times, official or otherwise. Things are so not pretty at work.

Anyways, I am off to a school function thingy soon. I guess I am too boring for words these days ... Boring, boring, boring ... But tonight, I can boing, boing, boing .... ;)

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