silentscream Search

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pass me over, didja ?

My eyes hurt like thousands pin pricks are assaulting them. I took a break earlier after staring at the computer screen since after lunch. My head's pounding and my heart rate's slowing down. Can a dead person still work ?

I've got a kinda dinner date with Kav and Sam tonight. It'll just be a coffee date as we didn't make much plans prior to meeting up. Sam's back on sunny Singapore for a few days before flying off to Shanghai to get ready for his new school term. Fun and joy ... :D

I wish I have the moolah to continue my studies. What a blissful life that is. No worries about pleasing people. No need to play any politics with the people you "work" with. All you need to do is study and clear your exams well. I used to wish for time to pass by quickly. Over with school, over with tests and exams. Move on to another branch of life. Being independent and earning your own living, making your way in the world.

Then you reach that stage and you realised that it's all not that worth it. The chase, the hurry in wanting to complete a period of your life is not equivalent to the outcome. So you are disappointed from the start. Where do you go from now then ?

A little nudge, a little shove and you still in that box. You have no give, no leeway to spread your wings. Was it all worth it ?

Mood: Introspective

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