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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My love letter to you

Dearest Cheeky Monkey,
Where do I start ? How should I begin ? Would it be sufficient to say that a moment of madness seized me and took away my sanity ? Would it be alright for me to find excuses for what I said last night ?
All I know is that in trying to spare you from pain and heartache in the future, I cut you the deepest now. I am so very sorry. I have this inate ability to hurt the very people I care about. I always feel that I am not good for you. You deserve someone better. I want to be that someone to you. Someone better who don't demand too much of you. Someone who allows you to be who you are. You are so gentle and kind and understanding and yet I am not.
I can apologise numerous times, I hope my apologies do not come too late. I seek your forgiveness for every transgressions I've ever done to you. I hope you find it in your heart to accept my mistakes. For now, I promise you no more nonsense from me. No more bad thoughts, no more what ifs. You are a big boy and you know who and what is good for you. If I am, then I am and I will be good.
I love you. My heart just expands when I think of you. When I see you, I smile because I know I'm yours. I want to be with you, to be able to absorb your being into me.
Dear heart. I'm yours as you're mine. Always. Forever.
Your love,

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