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Friday, July 18, 2008

Good advices

I have just got home from work today. Home as in my first home and not my third home as I'd been doing this whole week. My ma nagged a little when I got home this morning. I know, terribly naughty of me.

I, however, would love to be at Cheeky Monkey's place again, just waiting for him to finish his social obligations tonight. However, much as I love to be there, I believe, we need time away from each other. As I'd mentioned to him numerous times, we are so much like an old married couple. I like it though. :D

So earlier this evening, Cheryl had given advice on how we as a couple should unite and face our battles. As you guys know, CM and I are of different faiths and because of this, we face the biggest obstacles from both sets of parents. Each set wants either one of us to be of the same faith. But conversion to one is a major no-no for us. So therein lies our battle with the parents. CM and I are both of the same school of thought of non-conversion. And also to bring up our kids with our faiths and let them decide which is best for them.

So this weekend, I am going to be thinking. How to break the news of CM and I to the parents (or possibly, just the Ma first).

Wish me luck. :)

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