silentscream Search

Saturday, July 19, 2008

It's a more of a see you later

I popped down to Terminal 1 this afternoon to send Dins off. She's flying to Surabaya for a good post in a good school. Dins, if you happen to catch this post, I wish you all the very best. Have fun in the new environment. If God's willing, we will meet soon. I know for sure we will meet in December at Jas' wedding. Take care, dear !


I have just rearranged my room lay out. Elder Sister delivered the blue sofa I had "choped" so many months ago. Right now, I need the hugest bookcase known to man to keep all my books and knick knacks. All the souvenirs people had given me throughout my years at work.

Every single item will get a special place in my hugest bookcase known to man. They will be kept dust free with the glass cases covering the books and knick knacks. I am pretty pysched with the current look of my room. It's like a huge sleeping area. :D

So no more excuses for me not to come home at night to sleep !

Right, dinner time. I've made a special instant noodle mixture.

Mmmmmmmmmmmm .....

Smells yummy, tastes even better. I'm so crashing out after this huge bowl of noodles !!!

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