silentscream Search

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The calm before the storm

So earlier this morning I arrived home, bleary-eyed and stone-faced. Ma was already up, to make sure the cats and kittens are all able to do their business and get their morning feed and exercise.

I walked into my room, put down my bag and took out the clothes from yesterday to be placed in the laundry bin. I then took my towel and walked to the bathroom for a shower. Ma saw me and asked me if I had just arrived home. I said yes, and she asked me if I'd been cabbing home these past few times I was home early. I answered in the positive and quickly walked into the bathroom.

When I came out from my shower, Ma was frying something on the stove. I didn't ask so she didn't tell me anything. I got ready quickly and as usual, looked for her before I leave the house to give Ma a goodbye kiss whenever she's up and about in the mornings. I confirmed the time to meet her for her liver scan today and told her to have her lunch there after her blood tests as she's been fasting since 10 pm the night before.

She told me she had packed breakfast and sent me to the door, while watching the kitties run around along the corridor. She asked me if the reason I came home late these days was because I was looking for a part time job. My answer ? The affirmative. As I was walking away, this thought came to my head, "Yeah, part time job in being a wife !"

So tell me, dear readers. The calm before the storm strikes of just smooth sailing weather throughout ?

For the record, it rained cats and dogs and then some, on my way to work today.

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