silentscream Search

Friday, April 30, 2004

Last night's class was actually good. The first portion was taken up by the visiting lecturer from CQU. Prof Pegg was a really funny guy. Although most of his jokes fell flat because a) his accent, b) his wry humour was too cheem for us and c) we were too much in shock to be laughing at him, jokes or otherwise. He seemed like a really nice guy, I can just imagine what it's like with him teaching instead of a certain local counsellor. On that note, last night, we covered 2 topics, Drugs and Forensic Toxicology at a super speed ! She stopped her dithering, not much but noticeable, and we proceeded on quite fast. Although over shooting the class time by 15 minutes is so not right. And ...... I didn't cabut class after the break. I would say last night's attendance at the end of the class was close to 75 %. Not counting the people who didn't turn up at all. Oh ... Oh .... All the while Prof Pegg was talking, our "beloved" counsellor looked scared, almost like she's about to burst into tears. And the funny part was when Prof Pegg was being pally with her, she seemed so scared to reciprocate ! He turned to her from time to time and told her at least a couple of times not to look so worried. It was damn funny because the whole class was laughing. Me, I was cackling like a lost Pontianak at the back of the room ! I would say, that last night was the best class of hers I'd attended. And Frances gave out feedback form to fill up. Damn, the woman was so lucky because I think, because of the visiting lecturer, I wasn't so harsh on my feedback !

Oh, and Kavitha gave me a purse/small bag. It was fuschia ! Girl, did I thank you for it ?

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