silentscream Search

Monday, April 12, 2004

I wish I am more in touch of my faculties. That I can really express how I really feel. Instead all I do each time is babble. Sugarcoat the unhappiness and tried to swallow the bitter pills. I don't know what I'm feeling these few days. Other people might interpret it as love sickness. But you need to be in love to come down with this disease. In all honesty, I've not been in love with anyone. In lust, yes. Love, no. I keep thinking, I'm waiting for this great, grand love affair. And that when I do meet that person, I would know that we are meant to be together for life. And death. However, there is this side of me, shall I say the cynical side, that keeps reiterating that I might have already met the person I'm supposed to be with and nothing major had happened. No big bang theory, no tingling feelings. So the moment had passed and thus all those theories that there is always someone for everyone and that soulmate business are just urban legends.

Let me ask you, are you in love with your current squeeze ? Can you see forever with the person you are with ? How do you know that you're in love ? Is there a guide that tells you the step by step insights on what being in love is like ? And when I talk about love in this post, it's more for romantic love between a man and a woman, who are not related by blood. Yet. Not parental, sibling or even Godly love. Or is this all one big propanganda ? A conspiracy theory to inflict more pain to the human race. Because I believe to love is to be able to withstand hurt and pain. Why would we, selfish beings, want to jeopardise our lives in that way ? I guess, most people are willing to take the plunge. Tell me, how do you know you ready for that kind of commitment ? Is it stifling ? I must admit I've not seen very good examples of real, passionate love between a man and a woman. I am curious to know if such things exists in real life or is it just restricted to the fictions ? Can love conquer all ? Can love change a person ? What is love ? An entity ? A state of mind ? Or mass propanganda ?

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