silentscream Search

Monday, April 05, 2004


First thing's first. I managed to submit my assignment before 5 pm today ! *YaY* for me ! So my gripes of my inability to start because I have never touched Adobe Pagemaker ever in my life was just an excuse to do other things but my assignment. I stayed up until two (bloody) A - M, just so I can at least get something done. But guess what ? I decided to start all over again this morning when I got to work. I installed version 6.5 of the programme on my work PC (because that's the version my work place has) and oh boy. Templates galore !!! The tryout version I had downloaded on my home PC has just two miserable type of templates, Brochures & Newsletters. And I need to design a drug Poster ! So like it all helped, I restarted my computer gabazillion times plus installing and uninstalling the said software. Yeah, I was losing precious time.

Not to content with that, something to do with glass had to happen to me. This time, a couple of slivers of glass decided to seek refuge in my right eye as the rest of its body exploded to minuscule pieces. Yeah, another glass tubing creating yet another problem for. I resisted the urge to rub my eye after the incident because who knows where will I be now if I had ! I was blinking double time ! *blink* *blink*
Definitely not a good year of Helena and glass pieces.

As they say there is a silver (sliver ?) lining behind every dark cloud. I reached home in double quick time. Was home by 5.45 pm and I'd left my work place at 5.10 pm ! Shared a cab with 3 other students from school. All of us living in the East side. Each person having to cough up 4 bucks because a) we had to travel from West to East of Singapore, and b) Peak hour rate, mans ! But well, I guess considering I slept late last night, I really need to play catch up and of course to psyche myself for my class tomorrow night.


And to think they (Hartford ?) added in 2 additional class for Pharmacology. Oh, when will the boredom ends ???? *in a tiny voice*, "Please can I N - O - T have some more ???"

Oh, for you guys still hanging on to find out what happened to the glass slivers, I managed to get them out. No harm done to the vision, though ! Awwwww ...... Don't be disappointed. Again.

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