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Friday, April 02, 2004

Happy Belated Birthday to me !

*rolls eyes*

I was actually planning to write yesterday but both my work and home connections were giving me problems. So instead of staring morosely at the computer screen, I ate. At 11.40 pm. I had rice with fried fish with sambal kicap (my favourite !) with a bowl of lady's fingers soup. It was excellent. Ate with my mother and Ayu. By the time I polished off the meal, it was already 5 minutes past midnight. The first of the month I'd already missed. So instead of having zero one dash zero four dash zero four, I have to make do with zero two dash zero four dash zero four.

So anyways, I'd been a very rude girl. Last night in class, I was basically reading the textbook instead of listening to the word by word droning of Ms Christina. And to top it all off, I overdosed on coffee and sugar ! Mans, I feel so bad !

But no matter, I still made plans to meet up with Sha, Fie and Elaine for dinner later. And then I realised that I might have the City Harvest group coming over for practicals !!! They still have yet to call and finalise their arrangements for today. And they cannot blame me if I can't stay because I'd made plans and I should not cancel them. The plans, not CHEC. Anyways, not my problem because they were clearly at fault for not informing me beforehand. I can't be sitting around waiting for them to tell me whether they are coming over or not !

Oh, one more thing, I'd scoped a birthday present for myself. I'd be super happy if I can get it ! It's something I'd been wanting to get since I last saw it ! Hopefully by the time my real birthdate rolls in, the item is NOT out of stock !

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