silentscream Search

Sunday, April 25, 2004

With my birthday being less then 2 days away, I'm feeling the insecurities of growing older. Will anyone that mattered remember my squalling day ? Oh, with this public announcement service, can anyone dare forget ? Yes, my kind readers, all 3 of you, moi inclusive, dare you forget ? (Text messages, very much appreciated !)

So anyways, as I was in the bathroom, taking a nice leisurely bath (duh !), I thought to myself (of course, double duh !), which would be the neatest way to go to join the big, blue heaven (or the possibility of the red, hot hell in my case) ? Neatest as in the coolest rather than N - O - T messy kinda way. Notice how I came up with the lame-o matters while I'm in the joint ? Goes to show how "dirty" my mind gets. *winks*

Right. Moving along ..... I think that one of the coolest way to kick the bucket is literally in the loo. I can always see in my mind's eye, how I slipped on a slimy tile, knocked my head at the side of the toilet bowl and literally bled to death, with the shower tap still on. Copious amounts of blood draining down to the ummmm .... toilet bowl. And that I would only be discovered dead by my niece wanting to use the toilet to "pong". On the offside, I'd be naked. And I don't want anyone to vomit, lest of all my niece.

Another cool way to go, (for lack of imagination) would be during my most orgasmical moment. How nice it would be to die happy ! Although, it's a bit traumatic for my partner, at least he can take comfort in the fact that, he did delivered the killer blow ! Again, as you can see, I died naked. Ish ...... I know that image can induce a nightmare for many moons long for some of you. As you can see, I am not only morbid, I am cheesy too. So is there any other cool ways that you can think of, that you, arrrr .... get bumped off ?

Oooh .... there is one more cool way that I can think of to go off with a bang. Me dying of starvation. Yeap, me dying of starvation when I have all the blubber in the world to rival an hibernating seal. Or bear. Or whale. Oh, you get the picture. And yeap, this all came about while I was in the joint, thinking of how hungry I was. All I had all day was a bowl of Mee Siam at 11.30 am. So the reduction of glucose levels to the brain cells is actually giving me some pretty fantastic, urrrrmmmm ..... fantasy. I started this post hungry as a she-bear and then went off for dinner and at the completion of this account, I am as full as a, errrrmmmm ..... snake. Yeap, full of analogies, that's my post ! Okay, now I'm rambling on. Sorry. The dinner was so damn good that I'd lost my edge.

Okay, the question of how weird does your fantasy dying moments still stands. Drop a word or two in my comments page. Oh, for the record, my mother cooked Nasi Minyak (the kind found in any Malay weddings, but I must stress, taste hundred, no, thousand times better !), fried chicken done the KFC way, chicken and mutton curry and to top them all, Pineapple Pecuk. Damn, bloody shiok !!!! *rubs tummy* I can really die happy, now !

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