silentscream Search

Saturday, April 17, 2004

I had plans to pull an all nighter tonight. It's been so long since I last did it. Gonna drink my 3rd cup of coffe for the day. Okay let's just recap my day.

Woke up at 5 minutes to 8 and lazed around in bed for another 15 minutes. Checked my mobile and realised that phone's batt was down to its last bar. Charged it and lazed in bed some more. Contemplated surfing the net, decided against it. Hit the showers at 8.35, came out by 8.50 (fast, by my half an hour standards). Saw Aboo's urine on the kitchen floor. Decided to mop it up. Then realised another batch of cat's urine and fecal matter, tis time belonging to Koko, in the living room. Decided to clear it (I'm becoming a regular cleaner !). Then ironed my T-shirt. After which, I'd quickly walked to my room. Aaliyah was in her walker and she was wearing a fetching yellow dress. Commented that with her yellow outfit and my red T, we looked like Ronald McDonald. Quickly dressed because I was running late. 10 minutes later, Ayu knocked on my door, asking me to open because she wanted to go in. I asked if she had bathed ....

Oh, mans ..... (boring ! with a capital B !!!)

So anyways, met Kavitha, an hour and 10 minutes late for our date. Spent 2 plus hours staring at the computer, doing a very interesting simulated pract. Then headed for lunch at CoffeeBean. Just couldn't resist the temptation, decided on a very decadent piece of Chocolate of a Thousand Leaves, only to be told by a nice staff member that it's got rum in it. Deflated like a balloon, she suggested a Chocolate Brownie. So what the hey, I got it. With White Chocolate Dream. Thanks Kav for the free drink ! Oh, after which, the both of us walked to Orchard Library. I got my books and then we headed on home. I reached home close to 4 and basically lazed around. Then I had late lunch, early dinner and started on one of my borrowed books. Just finished it. Contemplating a bath or shower. A night of loving or agony. Still contemplating, but whilst doing it, I better jot down my "interesting" Saturday. Hey, it was fun, okay.

Oh, I dressed like a complete slob today. To town ! *gasps* Like it was anything surprising and new. I am and will always be maintaining my "sense of dressing". If you dislike seeing me with you in town dressed that way, tough luck. Oh, I just needed to say something else, I thought I was dressed pretty fashionable today. I was wearing my frayed three quarter pants with a red Giordano top. And just so you know, the fraying was naturally done, afterall, that pair of pants is 6 years old !

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