silentscream Search

Saturday, April 03, 2004

So the outing went fabulously well. Fie couldn't make it because she had to work OT. So the three of us gals contemplated on things to do after dinner. We (meaning Elaine and I) took advantage of Sha's incapacitation. Her thighs were aching after her soccer training the night before that hey, we should have a bit of sadistic fun ! So we were moving in such a way that every little movement had to be directed to her thighs. Especially the time spent at the back of bus number 36.

We eventually decided to go to The Esplanade so that Sha and I can get to see what was so "magnificient" about the durian head. This was after we mooted out the idea of watching a movie. It wasn't as fantastic as the hype generated over it. It was hot night to boot. Finally after walking for eons, we settled down on the suspension arm of the Cavenaugh Bridge. Over looking Boat Quay, we plotted. First, to decide on a day when we can go cycling, because we saw a whole lot of night cyclers as we were walking towards the Merlion. Then we created mischief on poor Fie. We each took turns to call her and just ask a question, waited for her answer and then it was, "Okay, bye !" Poor Fie, as I'd said.

Oh, saw Bijal last night. She was out walking with a couple of friends. Another person enjoying an all girls night out. She looked good. Different, more matured looking. But she is still like the Bijal I knew. Sassy would be a good word to describe her !

The gals and I finally left at around 10.30-ish. I'd promised my mother I'd be back around 10-ish. Reached home a quarter after 11. I had planned to stay up and finished up my assignment. Then I looked at the PC and then looked at my bed. And my bed won. I was out before half past 12. Woke up two hours ago due to the incessant ringing of my cell. Fie called, picked up and it was as though I was being returned the favour of last night ! Yeah, accidental pressing of the keypad. Yeah .... yeah ....

I still need to do my assignment. Need to go down to Marine Parade library later to borrow "How to use Adobe Pagemaker for dummies, version 7".

Then it's back to staring morosely at the PC screen .....

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