silentscream Search

Friday, April 16, 2004

I told myself I would start work proper at 9 sharp. Now it's 15 past and I am still staring at the computer screen. I was actually meddling with my Zorpia look. I'm sure some of you guys have heard or even been invited to join, seriously consider it if you have the inane ability to take loads of photos and upload it because the plus point is that with a Zorpia account, you have unlimited storage space for that odd pix or two.
I, myself have been strongly urged to sign up and I did. Now, I've been strongly urged to write in the journal bit of that account of mine. It's kinda like blogger but with not much freedom to change how your page look. For those who find perverse pleasure in designing your own weblog templates, then Zorpia's not for you. However, I am not about to start to throw away my blogspot URL. I kinda love it. People, this page has a long way to go before you see/read a stable, mature me. Not that I am overly unstable or immature. Just a little challenged at times. *winks*

So anyway, not that I am writing a review of the two services, just giving out a public announcement service. In Uniquely Singapore. *hurhur* Can you believe that's the tagline to bring tourists in ? Like how unique is Singapore really ? I mean I love it here and all, but unique ???? *hurhur* To be discovered, of course ! Umm ... aside from the gastronomical delights, of course ! *rolls eyes*

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