silentscream Search

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Yesterday I was told by a friend that she can't talk to me. I was on MSN conversation with her. She said she will chat later. Tuesday came and gone and she didn't chat with me. Today I was practically offline for the whole of my work day because of the blackout. The school internet server was down for the better part of the day. When it was finally up, I logged on MSN and none of my contacts were online. And now still, said person has yet to continue our conversation. I am disappointed. A little sad even. Definitely very emo. So screw it. I can't help but feel a little under appreciated here. I understand people have things to do, places to go and other people to meet. So who am I to demand the kind of attention I lavished on these friends ? Who am I to compete for the consideration of these people with the other interesting people in their lives ? I am a nobody, that's who.

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