silentscream Search

Friday, April 09, 2004

I was catching up on the happenings of Samuel's life in London. Peachy is a not a good word to use at the moment. Funny thing is, I can totally "get" what he's driving at. It's like you still feel as if you are all alone even though you are surrounded by other people. And Homo sapiens being social creatures, the feeling of aloneness is really bad. Yes, there are times when you really appreciate the fact that you have got some breather from the chaosness of life. But more often than not, you crave for the companionship of a particular someone. You can always seek your friends and buddies, because afterall, that's what's being friends are for. But in other moments, you just wish you had that someone "special" whom you can relate to. Someone who would understand and provide a listening ear. Someone whose presence makes your world right again no matter how many wrongs you had gone through. Someone who is magnanimous enough to let you "hang" with your mates and always provide that warm hug when you reached home from work, tired and frustrated. Someone who can tolerate your anal retentiveness and idiosyncrasies. Someone who cares, loves and cherishes you no matter. Someone who provides the touch that always sends shivers down your spine, sets fluttery butterflies in your tummy. Someone who knows you had a crap day at work with just a look or glance. Someone who cooks for you when you need that little TLC. Someone who doesn't exist.

I'm a realist. I know it always happen to other people but never me. Hey, no matter. I've got my cats so I'm just waiting for old age. Then I can really live up to the tag "Spinster hag with 5 cats" !

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