silentscream Search

Monday, April 19, 2004

Why is it that no one ever believes me when I claimed that there is still a sliver of glass stuck in my hand ? Was it because I am just some dumb, hysterical female, who doesn't know better ? Or was it because I don't have a particular certification, namely, MBBS ? Or maybe because I was the boy who cried wolf ? Excuse me, woman ..... I think maybe because I lack evidentiary proof. Like how am I supposed to show people that I DO indeed have something left in my hand wound, when no one ever wanted to take a look at it. Everytime I showed people my healing wound, everyone cringes at the non sight of it ! Granted, my story was a little gruesome, I did not on purpose make it more than the truth, in fact I even played down the whole thing. Yes, I understand some people can't take the gory details, but a little sympathy, please. That's all I'm asking for.

For the record, there is a sliver of glass still stuck in my flesh wound. I can even see and hear the glass when I used a pair of forceps to "try" to remove it. I couldn't fish it out because all I seemed to be doing was pushing it in deeper, so I'm planning to soak my hand and hopefully, the flesh surrounding it becomes soft enough to be able to pull it out. Without pain. Much.

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