silentscream Search

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Fish curry for lunch

My mother makes the best fish curry this side of the island. It's so excellent that even my dad doesn't mind having the leftovers for the day after. And he's the king of fussy eaters. So anyway, I am now waiting patiently for lunch to be ready. Will hang out online for a while until I get "summoned" for the meal. No plans today. Except maybe I will swing down to Singapore Expo for the John Little warehouse sale. Might be able to get some good bargains. But the crowds, whoah ! My mother wants me to accompany her down to Parkway Parade later. Maybe I will swing by there too. A particular someone has been bugging me to get a microphone. I also need to get a replacement remote for my VCR. It's tough having to fast forward the tapes when all I wanna do is lounge on my bed. Meanwhile, I might start lounging on my bed after this entry. I am feeling so darned tired. Ah .... Might have to catch that beauty sleep before lunch. Work up an appetite. Sounds like an excellent idea.

G'night people !

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