silentscream Search

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Where do I call home ?

I have been "hiding" in Dear's place for the past few days. I was supposed to have gone home Friday night but I got a little lazy. As usual, after a shower and a good dinner, I was just about ready to crash. I had so many big plans to meet Dear early Saturday morning for a spot of shopping, window shopping. Dear wanted to pop by Ikea and I needed to go dress shopping.

Dress shopping for the wedding dinners I'd promised I would attend. Oh wells, the first dinner is this coming Friday, for D's sister. I had wanted to get something new and nice to wear. I even thought of getting Mariam's friend and sister's help in looking for the dress. In the end, everything came to naught. I just got a little to lazy to organise anything. So no meet up, no dress shopping. Oh, feck it. I don't have the extra cash to splurge on that dress and shoes that will only see the back of my wardrobe once the dinner is done. Look at the dress I got for the Grad Dinner. Hmmm ... Come to think of it. Where is that dress ?

So anyways, I didn't go home nor did I call home. Ma must be worried. I wonder if she would send out a search party to try to see if my dead body turned up anywhere. I'm currently writing this away with pen and paper, waiting for the Dear to come back from his squash game. I would have left if not for the fact that Dear was pretty insistent on me staying over. Ah wells, he loves me anyways, so I mind not.

Had a little (little ? I think Dear would argue that fact ... ) tiff earlier in the day. Sha's wedding ceremony is on today, according to Fie. But knowing me and my petulant disposition just refused to text an address reply to Sha's text last month. Hence, I did not get an invitation card, so by default I am not invited. Fie asked me to come over anyways but I didn't want to "crash" the party ...

Dear wanted me to get over my silliness of being slighted for the solemnisation ceremony months earlier but I can't. I simply can't put aside the feelings of being told only after the whole ceremony is over. Ah wells ... No worries there. Got into a tiff with the Dear over an event I didn't even want to attend. So in the end I just got Fie to "kirim" on my behalf.

Now, now ... Where is the Dear ? He was supposed to only have gone for an hour of squash game. Time check, almost 5.30 pm. After this, I am so reading my book. Borrowed a fantastic piece of fiction from the school library. Who would have guessed ?

I had a fantabulous time with the Dear yesterday. We started the day late. We had chicken rice for lunch after skipping breakfast because we were just lazing in bed and talking about stuff. We couldn't decide where to go first and what to do. Eventually I scrapped the idea of dress shopping, and headed straight to Ikea after lunch. What a fantastic place ! Dear spent ages just browsing through things and looking (more like drooling over) at things we couldn't afford to buy. Just a typical afternoon spent like a newly married couple. Good feelings. We can make this work. He wants to buy things and I would go round and say, "No money". Just a perfect repertoire between "newly married" couples, no ? Right.

We got a few items and spent close to a hundred bucks on those items. A huge bag of stuff ! And then we went nuts on the cream spread. We popped by Anchorpoint for a spot of dinner (chicken ! KFC !) before popping by Cold Storage for some grocery shopping. Dear had it in his head to make "Commando" for me. Ah wells, who am I to disagree on that ?

Done with all those things, my intention is to go on home. Right. Dear's home it was. So here I am. Still waiting for the Dear to arrive home. Dear, come home. I miss you !

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