silentscream Search

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Of puffy eyes and all

I asked myself these questions numerous times. Am I really in love with him or is it just mutual lust on our part ? Could it be just the comfortable camaraderie we just have with each other that is a natural progression for us to get together ? If he were to say enough is enough, would I walk away with my heart unscathed ?

Mulling this over and over for the past couple of days, I am very sure of my answers.

Darling, I am indeed in love with you. Yes, I do lust after your hot bod. But I will still respect you in the morning. For me, without the love, there is no point in the lusting. Without the love, you are just a caricature of a guy in my life.

I am comfortable in our relationship. We started out as friends and you are a true friend to me. Sometimes I may not show you how true friends behave but you have always believed in me. You are the person I trust with my life. You are my best friend and I am so glad that we realised early enough for us to be mates for life.

My heart will not survive should you decide to leave me for good. I love you. Heart and soul, I do.

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