silentscream Search

Saturday, November 01, 2008

SAT Exams

Again, I am writing this while waiting for the SAT Exams to be done. I'm surprised that it's a smaller group this month. Less than 250 candidates. However, looking at the numbers of the Standby Test Takers, it should be all right. Smaller group means easier to handle, no ?

It's November already and I am no closer to getting another job. Why am I putting off the search ? I mean, you guys are probably tired of my moaning and groaning of the unfair work practices. I am tired of it myself. So I must start to be more serious in my search, no ?


So many FTs in my company. So little they realised that. So much of my bitching.


On the plus point. It's Saturday ! I can spend the whole day with dear ! We are going shopping later for the lunch tomorrow. Dear wanted to cook for a few people in the office. It will be our first lunch hosting as a couple. I'm pretty excited and psyched up. :D

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