silentscream Search

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Where do I call home ?

I have been "hiding" in Dear's place for the past few days. I was supposed to have gone home Friday night but I got a little lazy. As usual, after a shower and a good dinner, I was just about ready to crash. I had so many big plans to meet Dear early Saturday morning for a spot of shopping, window shopping. Dear wanted to pop by Ikea and I needed to go dress shopping.

Dress shopping for the wedding dinners I'd promised I would attend. Oh wells, the first dinner is this coming Friday, for D's sister. I had wanted to get something new and nice to wear. I even thought of getting Mariam's friend and sister's help in looking for the dress. In the end, everything came to naught. I just got a little to lazy to organise anything. So no meet up, no dress shopping. Oh, feck it. I don't have the extra cash to splurge on that dress and shoes that will only see the back of my wardrobe once the dinner is done. Look at the dress I got for the Grad Dinner. Hmmm ... Come to think of it. Where is that dress ?

So anyways, I didn't go home nor did I call home. Ma must be worried. I wonder if she would send out a search party to try to see if my dead body turned up anywhere. I'm currently writing this away with pen and paper, waiting for the Dear to come back from his squash game. I would have left if not for the fact that Dear was pretty insistent on me staying over. Ah wells, he loves me anyways, so I mind not.

Had a little (little ? I think Dear would argue that fact ... ) tiff earlier in the day. Sha's wedding ceremony is on today, according to Fie. But knowing me and my petulant disposition just refused to text an address reply to Sha's text last month. Hence, I did not get an invitation card, so by default I am not invited. Fie asked me to come over anyways but I didn't want to "crash" the party ...

Dear wanted me to get over my silliness of being slighted for the solemnisation ceremony months earlier but I can't. I simply can't put aside the feelings of being told only after the whole ceremony is over. Ah wells ... No worries there. Got into a tiff with the Dear over an event I didn't even want to attend. So in the end I just got Fie to "kirim" on my behalf.

Now, now ... Where is the Dear ? He was supposed to only have gone for an hour of squash game. Time check, almost 5.30 pm. After this, I am so reading my book. Borrowed a fantastic piece of fiction from the school library. Who would have guessed ?

I had a fantabulous time with the Dear yesterday. We started the day late. We had chicken rice for lunch after skipping breakfast because we were just lazing in bed and talking about stuff. We couldn't decide where to go first and what to do. Eventually I scrapped the idea of dress shopping, and headed straight to Ikea after lunch. What a fantastic place ! Dear spent ages just browsing through things and looking (more like drooling over) at things we couldn't afford to buy. Just a typical afternoon spent like a newly married couple. Good feelings. We can make this work. He wants to buy things and I would go round and say, "No money". Just a perfect repertoire between "newly married" couples, no ? Right.

We got a few items and spent close to a hundred bucks on those items. A huge bag of stuff ! And then we went nuts on the cream spread. We popped by Anchorpoint for a spot of dinner (chicken ! KFC !) before popping by Cold Storage for some grocery shopping. Dear had it in his head to make "Commando" for me. Ah wells, who am I to disagree on that ?

Done with all those things, my intention is to go on home. Right. Dear's home it was. So here I am. Still waiting for the Dear to arrive home. Dear, come home. I miss you !

Friday, November 28, 2008

~ Friday I'm In Love - The Cure ~

I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday, I'm in love

Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Oh, Thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday I'm in love

Saturday, wait
And Sunday always comes too late
But Friday, never hesitate...

I don't care if Mondays black
Tuesday, Wednesday - heart attack
Thursday, never looking back
It's Friday, I'm in love

Monday, you can hold your head
Tuesday, Wednesday stay in bed
Or Thursday - watch the walls instead
It's Friday, I'm in love

Saturday, wait
And Sunday always comes too late
But Friday, never hesitate...

Dressed up to the eyes
It's a wonderful surprise
To see your shoes and your spirits rise
Throwing out your frown
And just smiling at the sound
And as sleek as a shriek
Spinning round and round
Always take a big bite
It's such a gorgeous sight
To see you eat in the middle of the night
You can never get enough
Enough of this stuff
It's Friday, I'm in love

I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday, I'm in love

Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday I'm in love

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hey, hey ... Home again !

If not for Dear's networking session, I would have totally crashed out on his bed, typing away on his computer and scoffing at the first episode of "Don't Forget The Lyrics", Singapore style.

As a result of Dear's networking session, I am now totally crashed on my bed, typing away on my computer and scoffing at the first episode of "Don't Forget The Lyrics", Singapore style.

Right. Hit the showers and crash very soon. I'm hungry but I'm just too plain lazy to eat. How can you be too lazy to eat ? Well. You just are. Sloth and gluttony shalt never come together !

Hah !

Happy 8th Month Anniversary, Dear !

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

To claim victorious, albeit sporadically

When you hit a high, the crash hits you back like a jackhammer through your skull. Rest for the rest of the wounded is the best of 'em all. You can knock out the percentage of the pain but you can never eliminate the rest of the hurt that cuts deep. So when you are careful enough to avoid the pain, by all means go for it. Knock yourselves out ...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

And Mommy said ...

From the mouth of Mothers.

"So you are staying over now since his mother has left ? So clever, I know that tactic. How about clothes and other stuff ? At least you were polite enough to stay away while his mother was here ..."

It's PAY DAY !!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

~ Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis ~

Lyrics | Leona Lewis lyrics - Bleeding Love lyrics

Happy Helena

It's no secret that happiness for Hel is a tie in with the excitement in her love life. Where there is love in her life, Hel will be happy. I'm sure it's the same for you, my dear readers. So in light of the love shown by the love of my life, I am happy.

Hahaha ... I know, I know ... In this day and age, women are liberated and they don't need a man to make and keep them happy. Ahaha ... If I am like half of those women, the world, or rather his world, would be a much more peaceful place to be in ...

Shoot !

I have nothing to write. Just posting for the heck of it. Buzz me for topics. BTW, Fie, did you reply to Sha's text regarding her request for your address to send her wedding invite ? Is it over already ???

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cough, cough, ack ...

It's disgusting to cough out the stupid phelgmy thing nested so deep in your bronchi. You keep trying to cough out the nasties and you are successful for a bit and then it starts again. Again and again it starts. The phelgmy disgusting thing just refuses to go away no matter how much you bargained with it to leave you alone. To let you have that little peace in your miserable life. So the phelgmy thing conceded finally. I'll give you peace when you sleep. Hahahaha ... You don't have to cough and hurt your chest and head trying to get rid of me. Just sleep, oh dear one. And if you want eternal peace, then you go on ahead and have an eternal sleep.

Boyfriendless and disgustingly sick this weekend. Well, it could be fact that I'm boyfriendless hence that's why I'm disgustingly sick. Or perhaps because I'm disgustingly sick that the Dear one decided to stay away. We've been talking on the phone these past two days but Dear one did not even thought of popping by to see the disgustingly sick one. So now the disgustingly sick one is sulking. I was badgering the Dear one to come and meet me last night after his and my dinner thing and he said his Ma is badgering him to apply for jobs. Fair enough. So I told him to meet me after the applications and he refused. He said he was tired. Well, granted I was badgering him to do so just before 10 pm. He could quickly finished up his thing and pop by for a short visit but no, he refused.

Today I was supposed to do the "date" thing with him and his Ma but because of the stupid phelgmy thing, I thought better then to present my disgustingly sick side to his Ma as a first impression. Dear was badgering me regarding the meet up; telling me that in sickness and in health, but that is a promise between us. Never with his Ma. So I begged off.

So it got me to thinking of that phrase and so I texted the Dear one and asked him if it did cross his mind to pop by and visit me when I was complaining about how my coughing hurt both my chest and head. I guess you know his answer. Hence, the reason for my ranting online. And the reason I'm sulking. And the reason the rain came down hard.

So anyways, I'm still sulking and waiting for the Dear one to call me. He went out with his Ma to the Botanic Gardens earlier. When it was raining heavily. Hmmmm ... I wonder if he realised why.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Nuts over nuts

I'm so getting a scolding from the Dear one. I'm coughing my throat out. I refused to see the doctor when Dear advised me to. And to top it all, I'm munching on nuts. For lunch.

Spicy cashew Dear got from back home, spicy broad beans and salted peanuts Dear bought the other time when we went grocery shopping just because I wanted to. I have finally opened all the packets and mixed the nuts together. Mixed nuts ... Mmmmm ....

I'm coughing though. Not a good sign for the flu. On the plus point, the coffee I promised myself I stay away from is doing its job. The influx of caffeine to the system is nothing short of bliss. All my body aches and tiredness and sleepiness is a thing of the past.

I'm well and rejuvenated, damn it !


(In a small voice) Although, I've increased the frequency of coughing ...

Self denial, regrets and one second resolution

I can't do it. I cannot be a tough bitch on my Dear. It's just not possible. It's not natural. I am a woman who cares and loves too deeply. And that is the whole sad truth of the life as a mad, psychotic, tough as nails wannabe woman. Well, I keep thinking girl, but the thing is, I ceased being a girl the minute I hit the twenties.

So anyways, Dear and I had a bit of talking earlier. Argument ? Discussion ? Rhetorical monologue ?

The main thing is, I wanted to be tough. I wanted Dear to know to shape up or ship out. I wanted me to be less clingy and dependent. I wanted me to find other pursuits to occupy my time. I wanted to not want to demand too much of Dear's time and affections. But.

I can't do it. Tough as nails wannabe woman, deflated the second she hung up the phone. Hearing Dear's sad voice was my own undoing. I still want my Dear. I still desperately want him in my life. So.

What comes of that ? I must be tolerant and patient and kind and all things nice.

I need coffee. I need to be well. I need to want to meet Dear's Ma; objections, reluctance, unhappiness and all.

Dear, call me to arrange for tomorrow's "date" after reading this post.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Lump, bump and the whole shebang of my love life

I discover a lumpy, bumpy thing just below my right pit. There is a slight protrusion of flesh, not of pimply size nor look. When it is depressed, it seemed to stem from deeper than the epidermis. I'm thinking it could be just a swelling of the lymph nodes, you know since I've just got the flu and all. However, the thing about the lumpy, bumpy thing is that I felt it a few weeks ago while I was lazing in bed with Dear. I got Dear to feel it too and he told me to have it checked out. I told him, it happens to me quite frequently and it could just be an infection or just swelling when I pull out my pit hairs (Oops ... A little bit disgusting, please don't barf out your meal !).

Personally, I'm not worried. Me, with my hypochondriac tendencies would usually diagnose all sorts of illnesses / diseases where there are none. Then again, you who don't know me from Adam, would think I am making things up just to spice up my boring weblog. Well, as a matter of fact, those of you who know me personally might think I'm doing that too !! Hahaha ...

Anyways, I'm experiencing a downturn in my love life. It's got me questioning everything and everyone I believe in. Shall I pour out the sad bits and give you my two cents bit of perspective on the whole issue ? Or shall I just bear and grin it every time I am sad and put up a happy facade on this page ?

What I know for sure is to find out the level of commitment I have towards my relationship with Dear. The level of commitment Dear has towards our relationship. Whether or not we will allow a third party to come in the way of our happiness and life together.

You know, as I come towards the end of this post tonight, I feel like I should stay away from the bad things and thoughts. Until I do that, perhaps I might never find the happiness I so crave with a special someone. Maybe I am just afraid of the good things that come my way and so I purposely try to screw things up. So I can moan and groan and lament on this weblog. A sad existence of truth if that is to happen. Maybe there is no such thing as love and happiness in this world. Maybe the machines are making us think we feel that when we are just hooked up on a life support system where our dreams and subconscious minds mingle to create a universal truth. Maybe I am just dreaming that I am posting this. Maybe when I wake up tomorrow, it's still the Saturday before Dear's Ma is in town. Maybe what had happened these past two weeks are flash forwards so I will learn my lesson and not repeat the events.

Maybe I need to see the doctor tonight, because I sure don't sound quite right up there. Hahahaha ... If only ...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Luck, luck, luck ...

For the Dear just for your exams.


As I've mentioned it this morning when he was asking me to wish him luck since last evening; he doesn't need luck.

He has me !


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Umie turns 29 !!

My Eldest Sister turns 29 years old today. The sister who is the leader of the pack. The one who explored, experimented and tested my parents' limits. The one who's a mother of four adorable and hmmmmm ... Precocious kids. The one who always provided a listening ear to Ma. The champion of freelancing ...


We'll have our celebration this coming weekend. :D

It's been a while since we last got together. I missed those Fridays and Saturdays where us sisters got together and just hang out.

Bless be your life. May the joys of what is in store for you be reveal to your delight.

Have a good one, Sis ! :D

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bingeing on nuts and chocs

I'm feeling a tad bit blearghhh ... So the next best alternative is to consume massive amounts of nuts and chocolates. Nuts for the good B complex vitamins. Chocolates, just because I can.

I wanted to meet up with Dear after work. He was home cramming for his exams which will be done on Thursday. I was willing to meet him at his bus stop for a short while because I have not seen his hide for the past 4 days.

Hence, on the way out of the office, I rang Dear to ask if he was on his break and if he was willing to meet me at the bus stop. He said no and no. Wow ...

I was totally speechless so after a few beats of silence, I said okay and goodbye. So I walked to the bus stop nearby and as soon as I reached there, my bus service arrived. Got on the bus and psyched myself to just head on home quietly.

Honestly, I was disappointed by his response to my wanting to meet up. Was it so unreasonable for me to want to meet my Dear ? Even if he didn't miss me an iota, I do miss him. Was it a crime to indulge me in my whim to meet him for just a short bit ? I'm not asking him to stay for an hour or two. Just mere minutes while he was on his break from study time.

I felt the buzzing of my mobile, took it out to check and saw a text from Dear asking which bus stop I wanted to meet him. I rang him to inform that I had boarded a different bus home so I told him to forget it. I told him I had planned to meet him at the bus stop just outside his place. But because he said no, I didn't want to insist and press the issue. He said his Ma walked in when I called earlier and was asking if he was studying. A short phone call, I ended and fumed.

Dear called again while I was walking to the next bus stop for my connecting express service. I missed his call and returned it after reaching the bus stop, a few minutes later. Dear wanted to chat while he was out getting some stuff downstairs. And when I called back, he's back home and so couldn't talk. Wow ...

Talk about disappointment and being crestfallen. Not even scraps of affection at this period of time. Dear's Ma is here and I'm pushed aside. Yesterday, I wanted Dear to deliver and have lunch with me and he was reluctant to do so because his mother will nag him. Actually I was not serious about it. If he had said okay I would have told him I was just kidding. I just wanted him to be willing to do it.


So I got pissed at him again last night. Honestly I tell you, I can't even compete there. One lesson I learnt from this. Never try to come between Mom and Son. Especially so if he's the only and youngest son of the family. Don't even entertain the idea of competing for his affections there. He kept saying he loves me and yet the way he acts sometimes just doesn't feel to me like he genuinely loves me. And he is puzzled why I doubt him.


I know this is a super long post and a damn boring one too. I'm just feeling frustrated and despondent over Dear's actions. I'm not asking him to rebel or argue or even fight with his Ma. I just needed to see him for a bit, that's all. He kept asking me to be strong. Everytime I act out, he asked why do I always treat him coldly or get pissy with him.


Why can't he see that sometimes I just needed to hear the right words from him ? That I want him to reassure me that I am an important part of his life. That sometimes he shouldn't ask me to keep quiet just because he receives a call from his folks. I mean if we are hanging out at his place and his folks call at an hour where it's not decent to entertain guests, then I understand I need to be shushed. But during dinner time ? Even while we are outside ? To ask me to pipe down ? And then I get moody and he becomes glum and asks me why I treat him so.

It's just the consideration I'm asking for. I asked him if he would behave the way I did if he was in my shoes. And he said he would definitely not react the way I do. Getting angry irrationally. Hunh ... Easy for him to say that. Being in my shoes, living my life, feeling and thinking the way I do, I challenge you to not react the way I do.

So anyways. There is no point harping over this. I'm getting so used to being left like this. It feels like a punishment to me that just because Dear had to cram for his exams and his Ma is around to make sure he did, I cannot even meet him for a bit. And he asks me why I treat him the way I did.


Honestly. I'm tired of getting into an argument with him every time he sidelined me. Of thinking awful thoughts and crying my heart out. Of wishing me dead so I can get that bit of attention from Dear. At the end of the day, Dear would always rationalise that he chose to be with me in spite of the objections from his folks and doesn't that count for the fact that he loves me.

Well, yeah. Jolly good then, because that really makes me feel soooooooo special and treasured.

Mood: Morose

Monday, November 17, 2008

~Alone~ - Heart

I have this track on repeat mode on my iPod this morning. I've been playing this since I left the house earlier. It's so classic 80's rock with the slow start and the clashing and clanging of the drums after the first minute. The song lyrics resonate when I'm feeling blue after being left by the Dear one.

I hear the ticking of the clock
I'm lying here the room's pitch dark
I wonder where you are tonight
No answer on the telephone
And the night goes by so very slow
Ohh, I hope that it won't end though

Till now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
How do I get you alone
How do I get you alone

You don't know how long I have wanted
to touch your lips and hold you tight,
You don't know how long I have waited
and I was going to tell you tonight
But the secret is still my own
and my love for you is still unknown
Ohh yea, yea

Till now, I always got by on my own,
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
How do I get you alone
How do I get you alone
How do I get you alone
How do I get you alone
Alone, alone

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Of puffy eyes and all

I asked myself these questions numerous times. Am I really in love with him or is it just mutual lust on our part ? Could it be just the comfortable camaraderie we just have with each other that is a natural progression for us to get together ? If he were to say enough is enough, would I walk away with my heart unscathed ?

Mulling this over and over for the past couple of days, I am very sure of my answers.

Darling, I am indeed in love with you. Yes, I do lust after your hot bod. But I will still respect you in the morning. For me, without the love, there is no point in the lusting. Without the love, you are just a caricature of a guy in my life.

I am comfortable in our relationship. We started out as friends and you are a true friend to me. Sometimes I may not show you how true friends behave but you have always believed in me. You are the person I trust with my life. You are my best friend and I am so glad that we realised early enough for us to be mates for life.

My heart will not survive should you decide to leave me for good. I love you. Heart and soul, I do.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Shoot ... Bang ... Bang

I have just finished reading a collection of Peanuts. It was the collection of when Linus started speaking and Lucy was teaching him about things. About life in general as an elder sister is wont to impart knowledge to her younger siblings. Then there was the bullying part as older sibs are supposed to be. It's part and parcel of life. Of being the numero uno.

One strip even had Linus saluting to Lucy every time she passes by because he's just a Private. Reading about Charlie Brown and even Snoopy makes me feel hmmm ... Broody. I wondered what my kids will be like in the future ?

Will they be like Ayu, precocious and smart ? By the way, Ayu came in 17th overall in her Primary 1 Level of 135 students. She even scored the highest in Malay, medal and certificate included. I am so proud of my darling girl.

I never thought I would be with someone, who would want to marry me. Make an honest woman out of me. Someone who thinks I can be a good wife and mother. Someone who want me to have his babies. I never even thought I would ever be married. I remember a while back, I told my Ma that if I am not married by 35, she is free to matchmake me if she wants me to be married. I would not complain and I would not resist.

Then he came into my life. He made his presence known and I am a goner. Every day that I don't spend time with him, is a day wasted. Yup, my readers. Girl power be damned ! I want to be with my man !


To my future kids, I love your dad and I am most happy to have you guys around in our life.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Truths, half truths and lies

If I am not happy, how can I make someone else happy to be with me ? I feel like I bring everyone down with my negativity. My intense dislike of certain behaviour and my constant need to be petted and liked. For me, it's either all or nothing. You're either in or you're out. There is no way I can accept the in between.

Thinking about it, I guess it stemmed partly from the fact that I am the middle child. My eldest sister is favoured by Dad and the youngest by Mom. As a result, I am always fighting for scraps of affection from both. It's only recently when both sisters are married and have started their own family that I am living like an "only child". Hence, I'm having a bit problems of adjusting to my new "environment".

After years of being left to my own devices, suddenly I am smothered with affection, care and concern. It doesn't help that my bf doesn't show as much as I think he should. So there it is. Once in a while I am marked by excessive sensitivity and impulsive mood change. In not so many words. Temperamental.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

No eye contact

I've just realised this.

Next week, I will not see Dear for one whole week ! :(

Sad week indeed ...

I need junk food. I need it now ! :(

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cheat !

So I got the new washing machine and it was supposed to come with $70.00 vouchers to be used at Giant or Cold Storage. So I received the vouchers at the same time the machine was delivered.

So last night, when I reached home after a jaunt at Mustafa Centre with Ma, I looked through my vouchers. Imagine my incredulity. The vouchers were dated to have been issued in September 2008 and are valid for 6 months. Well, hello. Something's not right here.

I bought the machine in November and with the vouchers issued in September, I have missed out 2 months of shopping. Hello, cheat. I was quite puzzled so I called Courts Customer Service line. The lady on the line told me that she cannot handle my case and need to check with her delivery people and will get them to call me tomorrow, i.e today.

All right, that sounds reasonable. So earlier, I received a call from them and stated my case. They have the cheek to say that someone else had the same problem. Well, hello. Cheat, surely that means it's a problem, no ? Other people can accept the backdated vouchers but not me.

She told me that the vouchers will be considered valid 6 months from the date of delivery. Well, hello. It's not stated on the vouchers, idiot ! If I had gone to any of the shops to redeem the vouchers, they would just look at the stamped issue date, which was September 2008. So, I have to spend by February 2009, no ?

So I said I needed some proof to indicate that the vouchers would be valid beyond Feb 2009 as I bought the item in November 2008. So the CS Officer to me that she will check with her Marketing Department and get back to me. So, wait I will.

Guess another thing that irked me ? Yesterday, when the new machine was delivered, they delivery guys were supposed to help discard the old machine. And guess what ? The OM, hoping to make a quick buck stopped the guys from taking the old machine. So now, it's still sitting in the kitchen, taking up space and becoming an eyesore. Honestly, I wonder how the karung guni will buy the old machine. If they would even want to buy !

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bright and early

But not so cheery.

I'm moody. One minute I'm up and happy and the next I can be a complete cow. And the person who bears the brunt of the bitchy side of me is usually my dear. Poor fella.

Mucho, mucho make up to be done once he's finito with his exams. If ever that time comes and I'm not moody.

So anyways, I'm gonna be taking some time off this afternoon. My Ma's going for her gastro appointment in the afternoon. So after lunch, I will vamoosed outta the hellhole. Okay, I'll be nice. I'll leave my life-shortening place, which sucks up more than 8 hours of my life each day.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Ah, another Monday ...

My washing machine broke down ! So yesterday, after arriving home with a load of dirty laundry, I was hoping to clear I found out the machine was down and out ! BUMMER !!!!

Stinking clothes had to remain that way for a few days. Ma was asking if we should repair the machine or just buy a new one. We had repaired the old one a few times but I think that it was pointless to keep repairing so I opted to buy a new one.

So off to Courts we went in the late afternoon. Browsed for a bit because I couldn't decide on one. The one I wanted, Fisher & Paykel was too darn expensive for a load of 7.5 kg only. We finally decided on a Sanyo machine. Looked spiffy and can handle an 8.5 kg load. Not too bad in my books.

The machine could be delivered only on Tuesday, after I had spent mucho, mucho of moolah on it. Irritating, no ?

Anyways, my Ma hand washed some of my clothes. Such a pampered, girl no ? *winks*

I'm exhausted. First day of exile from my Dear. :(

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Black Sunday

The start of the self imposed exile of my presence in Dear's life. How shall I spend my nights for the next two weeks ? Will I tear out my hair in boredom ? Will I kick up a fuss and create problems where there are none ?

I think it had started. My tantrums had just started this morning. I spent the past two nights with Dear and this morning he had to be up super early because his Ma is arriving at 6 am.

Dear slept late, cleaning up his room to make sure it's presentable when his Ma arrives. Cleaned out all evidence of his roommate; i.e. me. And I was grumpy. I'm sorry, Dear. I am feeling neglected, as always when you are on your mission only you can settle.

So Dear sent me home on his way to the Airport. Heman was kind and thoughtful enough to loan his car to Dear to pick up his Ma. He even passed the car and keys and all the day before. Sitting in the passenger seat in the wee hours of the morning in the rain, I felt guilty for my tantrum earlier. I'm sorry for the kindey behaviour. Please don't forget me in the two weeks, yeah ?


Saturday, November 08, 2008

Our last days


Dear's mother will be popping down SGP for a couple of weeks from tomorrow morning. So for two weeks while he studies for his exams, his mother will take care of him. Pampered, eh ?

This is the life of the girlfriend of a mom's boy. I will try to be understanding, I will try not to act up too much. But it's difficult when you know that for two whole weeks, there will be no dating.


Now we are waiting for dinner to arrive. The pizzas were supposed to arrive right about now but still the delivery guy's nowhere in sight. Perhaps he had eaten the pizzas with his cronies ? Hahahaha ... That would be so unprofessional of them.

Right then. Dear's getting a bit beary and growlly. I'm getting a bit hot on the bum sitting on this hard chair. Will pop over to the cushiony side then.

Talk later ...

Friday, November 07, 2008

Dinner - Ellen's style

So we debated the place to go to the best part of yesterday. A few ideas such as The Carousel was thrown up. The unavailability of the place caused more ideas. Until finally it was down to a couple of places.

The final result ? Fish & Co at The Lourve.

Yay !!!

Dinner's on the Boss tonight for Ellen's farewell. So sad to see her go. So glad to know she'll be happy.


Everyone's got to leave some time, no ?

Her last's official working day will be next Tuesday. I wish her all the best and joy always. :D

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Max Payne

We went to the cinema to catch May Payne. The movie started out well. Mark Wahlberg was well ... Marky Mark. Visual candy as usual. The story line was all right and the main actress was hmmm ... Ass kicking ? Interesting concept of the main twist of the plot. I liked it.

But the ending ? A little, d'oh ! In the words of Homer Simpson. I was a little disappointed that the ending was not done as well as it should have been. The clip after the end of the credits hinted that there might be a sequel but then knowing Mark Wahlberg. He don't do sequels. So no more Max Payne.

Overall, it was not too "painful" to watch that movie. I enjoyed the dinner and the popcorn and the waiting of the bus home with Dear.


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Counselling is needed

Help needed.

Some doctor for the mind will do.

Application is still open.

Approval granted if applicant is pleasing.

Convincing may be required to accept advices.

Good luck.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Yay ! A ray of hope ...

I did not sleep over last night. Instead, I was being such a good girl, I left just after midnight. So I reached home at a decent hour. :)

All this in light of the fact I am gonna be staying over this coming weekend !

Okay, Dear had been telling me that my second home had been upgraded to first home now. Previously, my second home is his place but recently, it's gone to be my first home !!! Dear was contemplating moving into the bigger room in his apartment because of my upgraded status. :D

Hehehe ... wicked, eh ? *winks*

Monday, November 03, 2008

Oh, grant me the wisdom

It's Monday, yet another work week has begun.

Grant me the patience to deal with "interesting" colleagues.

Grant me the ability in "tai-chi-ing" additional work loaded by my "supportive" boss.

Grant me the wisdom to keep my trap shut to prevent WWIII.

Peace out ...

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Lunch !

It was good. It was yummy. Dear is such a ... Hmmmm ... Dear ... ?

Hehehe ... We thoroughly enjoyed the spread. Not too hot and spicy, just perfect. Dear was panicking a little because he was not done cooking when the first guests arrived. However, by the time every one was there, the food was just nicely served with a round of good cheer.

We even had seconds ! After lunch, we had ice cream and grapes and spent the time chatting about stuff. Work stuff, personal stuff. We even showed off our rings ! *grins*

Right. Okay I'm actually writing this on paper. I might need to transfer this later when I can get my hands on a computer and post properly.

I would say, our first lunch do as a couple was a success. We should do this more often, right Dear ?


Saturday, November 01, 2008

SAT Exams

Again, I am writing this while waiting for the SAT Exams to be done. I'm surprised that it's a smaller group this month. Less than 250 candidates. However, looking at the numbers of the Standby Test Takers, it should be all right. Smaller group means easier to handle, no ?

It's November already and I am no closer to getting another job. Why am I putting off the search ? I mean, you guys are probably tired of my moaning and groaning of the unfair work practices. I am tired of it myself. So I must start to be more serious in my search, no ?


So many FTs in my company. So little they realised that. So much of my bitching.


On the plus point. It's Saturday ! I can spend the whole day with dear ! We are going shopping later for the lunch tomorrow. Dear wanted to cook for a few people in the office. It will be our first lunch hosting as a couple. I'm pretty excited and psyched up. :D