silentscream Search

Friday, April 30, 2004

Last night's class was actually good. The first portion was taken up by the visiting lecturer from CQU. Prof Pegg was a really funny guy. Although most of his jokes fell flat because a) his accent, b) his wry humour was too cheem for us and c) we were too much in shock to be laughing at him, jokes or otherwise. He seemed like a really nice guy, I can just imagine what it's like with him teaching instead of a certain local counsellor. On that note, last night, we covered 2 topics, Drugs and Forensic Toxicology at a super speed ! She stopped her dithering, not much but noticeable, and we proceeded on quite fast. Although over shooting the class time by 15 minutes is so not right. And ...... I didn't cabut class after the break. I would say last night's attendance at the end of the class was close to 75 %. Not counting the people who didn't turn up at all. Oh ... Oh .... All the while Prof Pegg was talking, our "beloved" counsellor looked scared, almost like she's about to burst into tears. And the funny part was when Prof Pegg was being pally with her, she seemed so scared to reciprocate ! He turned to her from time to time and told her at least a couple of times not to look so worried. It was damn funny because the whole class was laughing. Me, I was cackling like a lost Pontianak at the back of the room ! I would say, that last night was the best class of hers I'd attended. And Frances gave out feedback form to fill up. Damn, the woman was so lucky because I think, because of the visiting lecturer, I wasn't so harsh on my feedback !

Oh, and Kavitha gave me a purse/small bag. It was fuschia ! Girl, did I thank you for it ?

Thursday, April 29, 2004

I threw up my dinner and dessert last night. When I reached home last night after dinner with the girls, I was feeling a little nauseated. I just had to regurgitate when I had my shower. And I realised something. It's a damn shiok feeling to throw up. It's like, all this half digested food coming up from the pits of my stomach. It's disgusting but it's fascinating all the same. I guess, I like the feeling of being sick. I tried to do a Linda Blair moment, but without any possessions, I can't make my head turn 360 degrees. All the spewing out bit was really cool. Now after lunch, I feel like making a trip down to the loo and start puking.

I'm really sick, aren't I ?

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

I am so tired.

I'm meeting up with Sha and Fie later for dinner.

It's not nice of me to break our date.

But I'm so tired ..........

Another long day tomorrow ....... :(((((

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

I'm 23 today.

I'm excited as to how the rest of my day will pan out.

I'm teary because I heard from Winsome and Jer, the people whom I'd not heard or seen for eons.

I'm exhilarated because of all the nice messages and heart felt wishes from all the friends who SMS-ed, email-ed, MSN-ed and comment-ed. Basically any possible way to get the greetings across. I'm so happy, I think I will have tear streaks on my face very soon. Hey, people, thank you sooooooooooo much !!! In the immortalising words of Fie, I heart you all !!!!

Monday, April 26, 2004

I had planned to start my assignment research, but look what I've done. Bad, bad Helena !

Sunday, April 25, 2004

With my birthday being less then 2 days away, I'm feeling the insecurities of growing older. Will anyone that mattered remember my squalling day ? Oh, with this public announcement service, can anyone dare forget ? Yes, my kind readers, all 3 of you, moi inclusive, dare you forget ? (Text messages, very much appreciated !)

So anyways, as I was in the bathroom, taking a nice leisurely bath (duh !), I thought to myself (of course, double duh !), which would be the neatest way to go to join the big, blue heaven (or the possibility of the red, hot hell in my case) ? Neatest as in the coolest rather than N - O - T messy kinda way. Notice how I came up with the lame-o matters while I'm in the joint ? Goes to show how "dirty" my mind gets. *winks*

Right. Moving along ..... I think that one of the coolest way to kick the bucket is literally in the loo. I can always see in my mind's eye, how I slipped on a slimy tile, knocked my head at the side of the toilet bowl and literally bled to death, with the shower tap still on. Copious amounts of blood draining down to the ummmm .... toilet bowl. And that I would only be discovered dead by my niece wanting to use the toilet to "pong". On the offside, I'd be naked. And I don't want anyone to vomit, lest of all my niece.

Another cool way to go, (for lack of imagination) would be during my most orgasmical moment. How nice it would be to die happy ! Although, it's a bit traumatic for my partner, at least he can take comfort in the fact that, he did delivered the killer blow ! Again, as you can see, I died naked. Ish ...... I know that image can induce a nightmare for many moons long for some of you. As you can see, I am not only morbid, I am cheesy too. So is there any other cool ways that you can think of, that you, arrrr .... get bumped off ?

Oooh .... there is one more cool way that I can think of to go off with a bang. Me dying of starvation. Yeap, me dying of starvation when I have all the blubber in the world to rival an hibernating seal. Or bear. Or whale. Oh, you get the picture. And yeap, this all came about while I was in the joint, thinking of how hungry I was. All I had all day was a bowl of Mee Siam at 11.30 am. So the reduction of glucose levels to the brain cells is actually giving me some pretty fantastic, urrrrmmmm ..... fantasy. I started this post hungry as a she-bear and then went off for dinner and at the completion of this account, I am as full as a, errrrmmmm ..... snake. Yeap, full of analogies, that's my post ! Okay, now I'm rambling on. Sorry. The dinner was so damn good that I'd lost my edge.

Okay, the question of how weird does your fantasy dying moments still stands. Drop a word or two in my comments page. Oh, for the record, my mother cooked Nasi Minyak (the kind found in any Malay weddings, but I must stress, taste hundred, no, thousand times better !), fried chicken done the KFC way, chicken and mutton curry and to top them all, Pineapple Pecuk. Damn, bloody shiok !!!! *rubs tummy* I can really die happy, now !
I'm up really early Sunday morning. Decided to hang around online, hoping for a glimpse of friends on my MSN. No one turned up. So I'm just gonna log off and probably get a life away from the computer or the tv set. Oh, wells .... There is always the bed beckoning me to its safety arms. Might have a nap soon. Ah .... The riguers of a Sunday.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

These few minutes, I'd been thinking about where the direction of my life should go. And it's all very simple really. Deep in the heart, I want to have a husband and hearth and kids. *gasps* The feminine side of mine really want to settle down and make a house a home. Setting down roots and all. The practical side of me knows this is just a fanciful notion. I am N-O-T procreating. On one hand, I love kids. My blood relations, only. On the other hand, other people's kids send a cold shiver down my spine. So really, there is nothing much to this. Told you I had tought about this a few minutes ago. And I think I'd spent far too much time on something so meaningless to me. Oh, wells .....

Friday, April 23, 2004

Most of my colleagues have gone off for the day. I am still at work because City Harvest is using the Chemistry lab after a week of staying away. No complaints there even though it was kinda last minute. I was actually planning to leave at 3 just now. Take time off, for a little R and R at home. Too freaking bad for me then. At least, the teacher did asked if it's okay that they come this today. *shrugs* I said yes just because I felt that the kids should not miss the lesson and have a kinda backlog. You know, it's not nice to treat people like that. What goes around, comes around afterall !

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Singaporeans Urged to Keep English Skills


Published: April 21, 2004

Filed at 3:34 a.m. ET

SINGAPORE (AP) -- Jobs will be lost to other Asian nations if Singaporeans don't improve their English literacy, the manpower minister said Wednesday at the launch of the city-state's Speak Good English campaign.

"Other countries in the region are making the English language part of their schools' curriculum," said Manpower Minister Ng Eng Hen. "In a few years time, countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Korea and China may catch up or even surpass us in their English language ability."

Ng said Singaporeans must "redouble our efforts" to maintain a competitive advantage.

The annual monthlong campaign -- first launched in 2000 -- features a blitz of brief English lessons in newspapers, via the telephone and over the radio. It aims to make trade-dependent Singaporeans more understandable to the people they do business with.

The campaign is among a slew of regular government-sponsored drives -- like the Singapore Kindness Movement and Romancing Singapore -- aimed at modifying local behavior, which some Singaporeans consider condescending.

This year's campaign specifically targets working adults in the service industry who will be able to use English to impress and woo back more tourists and visitors, Ng said.

Most Singaporeans already speak a British-accented English inherited from colonial times but the multiethnic population also uses its own patois -- known as Singlish -- to communicate.

Singlish is a blend of Chinese dialects, Malay, Tamil and English.

Public elementary and secondary school courses and the business of government are conducted in English and 71 percent of the tiny island nation's citizens are already literate in English.

What's Your Gift For Gab?

Laughter really is the best medicine. For a friendly and funny soul like you, nothing opens up communication lines and lowers people's defenses like a hearty chuckle, sidesplitting guffaw, or shared snicker. Whether you're trying to defuse tense situations or liven up dull ones, humor always seems to lighten the mood and get people talking.

Whether your wit is revealed through goofy jokes, dark humor, edgy sarcasm, or sophisticated satire, your true gifts are showcased when you're making wisecracks. So bring on the slapstick, the irony, and the jests — eventually we'll all be laughing with you.

To give it a go, click here.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

It took a close call to give people fresh perspective. Granted the close call was off by about 4 hours, it was too close, nonetheless. Yup, this is with regards to the road collapse on Nicoll Highway. When I heard the power blackout in Raffles Place and Suntec, I was thinking that it could be another power shortage like last week. Then when Brian Richmond announced that there was a collapsed road on Nicoll Highway, I thought it was something like a depression on the surface. As the news kept filtering in, and a gas explosion was included in the equation, things seemed to be rather terrible. Finally, I realised how bad the situation was when I read that there was one casualty during class. How did it happen ? I read the news from Channel News Asia and wondered how the collapse came about. Like was the collapse caused by the gas explosion or was it because of the collapsed road, the gas pipe burst ? It's scary how it seemed that the support beams had given way, thus causing a whole chain of events leading to fatalities ! As of this morning, rescuers had found a second DB and the 3 who are still missing are presumed to be dead too.


Makes you think, how something like this could happen, eh ? Then again like what Roz wrote, accidents do happen. Anywhere at anytime. I must admit, it gave me quite a fright because together with my mother, we were travelling on the exact same road about 4 hours before the disaster !

What Do Your Lips Say About You?

No, you don't look like a fish! You get your lip personality from your fun-loving, funny-girl approach to life! Wherever you are and whatever you're doing, you like to have a good time. And using humor to inflate or defuse situations is a skill you've practically perfected. Sure, good looks — they're great. Intelligence — it's important. But witty banter is what sets you apart from the rest. Like water to a fish, humor's something you just can't live without.

Does your mouth spend more time practical joking, whimsical wisecracking, jovial jesting, or sharing witty satire? No matter what form your lips take, we're sure you never lose sight of the fact that making people feel comfortable, making them laugh, and sharing the fun is how you prefer to go through life. So pucker up!

To give it a go, click here.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

So I'd collected my precious. Waaaahhhh .... So kawaaiiiii ......

New past time for me ! Everyone's invited to come and play da box ! Just bring your own controller !!!! Muahahaha ... Chicken wings' provided for too ...... Now let's see ..... Where can I get the bargain games ?????

Monday, April 19, 2004

It's official people. I am right and you, you and you are dead wrong ! Hah ! It's good to be right ! The final piece of glass is outta my body ! I will take a pix of it when I get back to work. Meanwhile, I'd been given an M.C. for tomorrow and I'm gonna go collect my Xbox !!! I can't keep myself from grinning ! Literally it was from ear to ear !

I've just received news.

I'd won myself an Xbox Console !!!!!

*jumping up and down joyfully*
Why is it that no one ever believes me when I claimed that there is still a sliver of glass stuck in my hand ? Was it because I am just some dumb, hysterical female, who doesn't know better ? Or was it because I don't have a particular certification, namely, MBBS ? Or maybe because I was the boy who cried wolf ? Excuse me, woman ..... I think maybe because I lack evidentiary proof. Like how am I supposed to show people that I DO indeed have something left in my hand wound, when no one ever wanted to take a look at it. Everytime I showed people my healing wound, everyone cringes at the non sight of it ! Granted, my story was a little gruesome, I did not on purpose make it more than the truth, in fact I even played down the whole thing. Yes, I understand some people can't take the gory details, but a little sympathy, please. That's all I'm asking for.

For the record, there is a sliver of glass still stuck in my flesh wound. I can even see and hear the glass when I used a pair of forceps to "try" to remove it. I couldn't fish it out because all I seemed to be doing was pushing it in deeper, so I'm planning to soak my hand and hopefully, the flesh surrounding it becomes soft enough to be able to pull it out. Without pain. Much.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

I had plans to pull an all nighter tonight. It's been so long since I last did it. Gonna drink my 3rd cup of coffe for the day. Okay let's just recap my day.

Woke up at 5 minutes to 8 and lazed around in bed for another 15 minutes. Checked my mobile and realised that phone's batt was down to its last bar. Charged it and lazed in bed some more. Contemplated surfing the net, decided against it. Hit the showers at 8.35, came out by 8.50 (fast, by my half an hour standards). Saw Aboo's urine on the kitchen floor. Decided to mop it up. Then realised another batch of cat's urine and fecal matter, tis time belonging to Koko, in the living room. Decided to clear it (I'm becoming a regular cleaner !). Then ironed my T-shirt. After which, I'd quickly walked to my room. Aaliyah was in her walker and she was wearing a fetching yellow dress. Commented that with her yellow outfit and my red T, we looked like Ronald McDonald. Quickly dressed because I was running late. 10 minutes later, Ayu knocked on my door, asking me to open because she wanted to go in. I asked if she had bathed ....

Oh, mans ..... (boring ! with a capital B !!!)

So anyways, met Kavitha, an hour and 10 minutes late for our date. Spent 2 plus hours staring at the computer, doing a very interesting simulated pract. Then headed for lunch at CoffeeBean. Just couldn't resist the temptation, decided on a very decadent piece of Chocolate of a Thousand Leaves, only to be told by a nice staff member that it's got rum in it. Deflated like a balloon, she suggested a Chocolate Brownie. So what the hey, I got it. With White Chocolate Dream. Thanks Kav for the free drink ! Oh, after which, the both of us walked to Orchard Library. I got my books and then we headed on home. I reached home close to 4 and basically lazed around. Then I had late lunch, early dinner and started on one of my borrowed books. Just finished it. Contemplating a bath or shower. A night of loving or agony. Still contemplating, but whilst doing it, I better jot down my "interesting" Saturday. Hey, it was fun, okay.

Oh, I dressed like a complete slob today. To town ! *gasps* Like it was anything surprising and new. I am and will always be maintaining my "sense of dressing". If you dislike seeing me with you in town dressed that way, tough luck. Oh, I just needed to say something else, I thought I was dressed pretty fashionable today. I was wearing my frayed three quarter pants with a red Giordano top. And just so you know, the fraying was naturally done, afterall, that pair of pants is 6 years old !

Friday, April 16, 2004

I told myself I would start work proper at 9 sharp. Now it's 15 past and I am still staring at the computer screen. I was actually meddling with my Zorpia look. I'm sure some of you guys have heard or even been invited to join, seriously consider it if you have the inane ability to take loads of photos and upload it because the plus point is that with a Zorpia account, you have unlimited storage space for that odd pix or two.
I, myself have been strongly urged to sign up and I did. Now, I've been strongly urged to write in the journal bit of that account of mine. It's kinda like blogger but with not much freedom to change how your page look. For those who find perverse pleasure in designing your own weblog templates, then Zorpia's not for you. However, I am not about to start to throw away my blogspot URL. I kinda love it. People, this page has a long way to go before you see/read a stable, mature me. Not that I am overly unstable or immature. Just a little challenged at times. *winks*

So anyway, not that I am writing a review of the two services, just giving out a public announcement service. In Uniquely Singapore. *hurhur* Can you believe that's the tagline to bring tourists in ? Like how unique is Singapore really ? I mean I love it here and all, but unique ???? *hurhur* To be discovered, of course ! Umm ... aside from the gastronomical delights, of course ! *rolls eyes*

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Okay, so I was not being fair in my last post. There are so many other reasons why someone can't afford to be less abrupt in the way they say they are busy. I understand, I totally do. Did I mention I was a little emo yesterday ? Well as someone would succintly put it, I am definitely P(?)S-ing. I don't do P(?)S, okay. I kept telling them no, but does he listen ? No, of course not. Men are just egoistical (was actually thinking testical) bastards !

So anyway, this is the closest I'd come in admitting my floozy writings. The closest to a retraction.

Have a good day ahead !

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Yesterday I was told by a friend that she can't talk to me. I was on MSN conversation with her. She said she will chat later. Tuesday came and gone and she didn't chat with me. Today I was practically offline for the whole of my work day because of the blackout. The school internet server was down for the better part of the day. When it was finally up, I logged on MSN and none of my contacts were online. And now still, said person has yet to continue our conversation. I am disappointed. A little sad even. Definitely very emo. So screw it. I can't help but feel a little under appreciated here. I understand people have things to do, places to go and other people to meet. So who am I to demand the kind of attention I lavished on these friends ? Who am I to compete for the consideration of these people with the other interesting people in their lives ? I am a nobody, that's who.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

B O R E D !!

You are what you eat


You have confidence in your ability to get things done. You are a leader among friends, and a good one too. You are responsible and like to challenge yourself by taking up difficult tasks - and you usually succeed.

You're very careful and circumspect in all matters but you won't face any problems until they actually happen. Also you're a kind and sensitive person.

Also, Helena,

You are vigorous yet gentle. You appear to be mysterious to those who don't know you very well because you don't often reveal your feelings. You like to socialise and are popular among your peers.

You are logical, smart and inventive. Sometimes you are too cold and selfish.
To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.
--Donald Laird

Monday, April 12, 2004

I wish I am more in touch of my faculties. That I can really express how I really feel. Instead all I do each time is babble. Sugarcoat the unhappiness and tried to swallow the bitter pills. I don't know what I'm feeling these few days. Other people might interpret it as love sickness. But you need to be in love to come down with this disease. In all honesty, I've not been in love with anyone. In lust, yes. Love, no. I keep thinking, I'm waiting for this great, grand love affair. And that when I do meet that person, I would know that we are meant to be together for life. And death. However, there is this side of me, shall I say the cynical side, that keeps reiterating that I might have already met the person I'm supposed to be with and nothing major had happened. No big bang theory, no tingling feelings. So the moment had passed and thus all those theories that there is always someone for everyone and that soulmate business are just urban legends.

Let me ask you, are you in love with your current squeeze ? Can you see forever with the person you are with ? How do you know that you're in love ? Is there a guide that tells you the step by step insights on what being in love is like ? And when I talk about love in this post, it's more for romantic love between a man and a woman, who are not related by blood. Yet. Not parental, sibling or even Godly love. Or is this all one big propanganda ? A conspiracy theory to inflict more pain to the human race. Because I believe to love is to be able to withstand hurt and pain. Why would we, selfish beings, want to jeopardise our lives in that way ? I guess, most people are willing to take the plunge. Tell me, how do you know you ready for that kind of commitment ? Is it stifling ? I must admit I've not seen very good examples of real, passionate love between a man and a woman. I am curious to know if such things exists in real life or is it just restricted to the fictions ? Can love conquer all ? Can love change a person ? What is love ? An entity ? A state of mind ? Or mass propanganda ?
You are a MASTER of the English language!

While your English is not exactly perfect,
you are still more grammatically correct than
just about every American. Still, there is
always room for improvement...

How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, April 11, 2004

I am pissed. Irrationally pissed. Who cares anyway, right ? I feel like there is no one else I can trust and talk to. Where are all my "proper" friends ? Aside from Samuel, who bothered to entertain my crap, where are the rest of my so-called buddies ? Fuck with them, mans. I am officially pissed off. Know what ? If you are reading this, don't bother to explain and make excuses. I'm always convenient for an hour or two, so who cares for the rest of the time, right ? Again I begrudge the strangehold boyfriends or girlfriends have on your time with your other friends.

Oh, Sam, why do you even bother ? I'm afterall a psychotic, weirdo, right?
Could I have this dance,
For the rest of my life,
Would you be my partner,
Every night.
Coz when we're together,
It feels so right.
Could I have this dance,
For the rest of my life.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Fish curry for lunch

My mother makes the best fish curry this side of the island. It's so excellent that even my dad doesn't mind having the leftovers for the day after. And he's the king of fussy eaters. So anyway, I am now waiting patiently for lunch to be ready. Will hang out online for a while until I get "summoned" for the meal. No plans today. Except maybe I will swing down to Singapore Expo for the John Little warehouse sale. Might be able to get some good bargains. But the crowds, whoah ! My mother wants me to accompany her down to Parkway Parade later. Maybe I will swing by there too. A particular someone has been bugging me to get a microphone. I also need to get a replacement remote for my VCR. It's tough having to fast forward the tapes when all I wanna do is lounge on my bed. Meanwhile, I might start lounging on my bed after this entry. I am feeling so darned tired. Ah .... Might have to catch that beauty sleep before lunch. Work up an appetite. Sounds like an excellent idea.

G'night people !

Friday, April 09, 2004

I was catching up on the happenings of Samuel's life in London. Peachy is a not a good word to use at the moment. Funny thing is, I can totally "get" what he's driving at. It's like you still feel as if you are all alone even though you are surrounded by other people. And Homo sapiens being social creatures, the feeling of aloneness is really bad. Yes, there are times when you really appreciate the fact that you have got some breather from the chaosness of life. But more often than not, you crave for the companionship of a particular someone. You can always seek your friends and buddies, because afterall, that's what's being friends are for. But in other moments, you just wish you had that someone "special" whom you can relate to. Someone who would understand and provide a listening ear. Someone whose presence makes your world right again no matter how many wrongs you had gone through. Someone who is magnanimous enough to let you "hang" with your mates and always provide that warm hug when you reached home from work, tired and frustrated. Someone who can tolerate your anal retentiveness and idiosyncrasies. Someone who cares, loves and cherishes you no matter. Someone who provides the touch that always sends shivers down your spine, sets fluttery butterflies in your tummy. Someone who knows you had a crap day at work with just a look or glance. Someone who cooks for you when you need that little TLC. Someone who doesn't exist.

I'm a realist. I know it always happen to other people but never me. Hey, no matter. I've got my cats so I'm just waiting for old age. Then I can really live up to the tag "Spinster hag with 5 cats" !

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Message from KENGMUN to HELENA
on 08/04/2004 3:04:18PM

hi. today will be my last day. i will pop over your place around end of the day to say gdbye. (dun spread the word around) I dun want to say bye to too many people. thks.
Oh, I've just realised something. This is with regards to the Champion League. None of the so-called "power" teams are in contention of the trophy. Real Madrid was ousted by Monaco, AC Milan was ousted by Depotivo La Coruna, Man U was ousted by Porto two stages ago. Where is Juventus ? What happened to Inter Milan, Barcelona ? And the other good teams ?
The ones left in the competition are Chelsea, Porto, Monaco and Deportivo. Not exactly a mouth-watering final. Oh wells ... Waiting for May, FA Cup Finals !!!!
I am so freaking bored. I don't feel like doing anything much today. Will take time off later. Catch up on my nap time. Been sleeping late these past few days. Wonder who will be out of tonight's American Idol 3 ? Just hope it's not John Stevens. Last night's episode was a downer for most of the contestants. They can't really carry Elton John's songs. I'd say power to Sharon (so nicknamed by Rod Stewart !) ! Anyways, will go back to "nuah"-ing.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Insecure. Generous.
Wallflower. Happy.
Weird. Positive.
Tactless. Reliable.
Inactive. Dependable.
Depressed. Friendly.
Scared. Humorous.
Tacky. Funny.
Moody. Excitable.
Lazy. Steady.
Sarcastic. Forgiving.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Why do people become so unfeeling and cold ? Why is it always the mouth that shoots first before the head says, "Hang on a minute there buster. You should not say it."As always I am guilty of that crime. Many people do, say things without giving them much thought. Tactless and hurtful. The whole point is to be as hurtful as you possibly could. It's easy to say to not take notice, but it's damn difficult to do. I took sometime to cool down after the remark so my post is slightly milder. Otherwise, names will be named and vulgarities will appear. I must think it through and let it be a lesson learnt.

Monday, April 05, 2004


First thing's first. I managed to submit my assignment before 5 pm today ! *YaY* for me ! So my gripes of my inability to start because I have never touched Adobe Pagemaker ever in my life was just an excuse to do other things but my assignment. I stayed up until two (bloody) A - M, just so I can at least get something done. But guess what ? I decided to start all over again this morning when I got to work. I installed version 6.5 of the programme on my work PC (because that's the version my work place has) and oh boy. Templates galore !!! The tryout version I had downloaded on my home PC has just two miserable type of templates, Brochures & Newsletters. And I need to design a drug Poster ! So like it all helped, I restarted my computer gabazillion times plus installing and uninstalling the said software. Yeah, I was losing precious time.

Not to content with that, something to do with glass had to happen to me. This time, a couple of slivers of glass decided to seek refuge in my right eye as the rest of its body exploded to minuscule pieces. Yeah, another glass tubing creating yet another problem for. I resisted the urge to rub my eye after the incident because who knows where will I be now if I had ! I was blinking double time ! *blink* *blink*
Definitely not a good year of Helena and glass pieces.

As they say there is a silver (sliver ?) lining behind every dark cloud. I reached home in double quick time. Was home by 5.45 pm and I'd left my work place at 5.10 pm ! Shared a cab with 3 other students from school. All of us living in the East side. Each person having to cough up 4 bucks because a) we had to travel from West to East of Singapore, and b) Peak hour rate, mans ! But well, I guess considering I slept late last night, I really need to play catch up and of course to psyche myself for my class tomorrow night.


And to think they (Hartford ?) added in 2 additional class for Pharmacology. Oh, when will the boredom ends ???? *in a tiny voice*, "Please can I N - O - T have some more ???"

Oh, for you guys still hanging on to find out what happened to the glass slivers, I managed to get them out. No harm done to the vision, though ! Awwwww ...... Don't be disappointed. Again.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

I am doomed !!!!

Where have my weekend gone to ?????

Saturday, April 03, 2004

So yeah, I didn't go down to MP library. What a drag. I got bitten by the lazy bug ! I didn't even touch my assignment. All I did was read, read and read. Just started a new book today. Jenny Colgan's Working Wonders. A third through the book and yeah, storyline's crazy, mans ... ! Might finished it tonight so that I can fully concentrate on completing you-know-what. Yeah, right .... *eye rolls*

So anyway, gonna have dinner now. I skipped lunch ! Will check back later.
So the outing went fabulously well. Fie couldn't make it because she had to work OT. So the three of us gals contemplated on things to do after dinner. We (meaning Elaine and I) took advantage of Sha's incapacitation. Her thighs were aching after her soccer training the night before that hey, we should have a bit of sadistic fun ! So we were moving in such a way that every little movement had to be directed to her thighs. Especially the time spent at the back of bus number 36.

We eventually decided to go to The Esplanade so that Sha and I can get to see what was so "magnificient" about the durian head. This was after we mooted out the idea of watching a movie. It wasn't as fantastic as the hype generated over it. It was hot night to boot. Finally after walking for eons, we settled down on the suspension arm of the Cavenaugh Bridge. Over looking Boat Quay, we plotted. First, to decide on a day when we can go cycling, because we saw a whole lot of night cyclers as we were walking towards the Merlion. Then we created mischief on poor Fie. We each took turns to call her and just ask a question, waited for her answer and then it was, "Okay, bye !" Poor Fie, as I'd said.

Oh, saw Bijal last night. She was out walking with a couple of friends. Another person enjoying an all girls night out. She looked good. Different, more matured looking. But she is still like the Bijal I knew. Sassy would be a good word to describe her !

The gals and I finally left at around 10.30-ish. I'd promised my mother I'd be back around 10-ish. Reached home a quarter after 11. I had planned to stay up and finished up my assignment. Then I looked at the PC and then looked at my bed. And my bed won. I was out before half past 12. Woke up two hours ago due to the incessant ringing of my cell. Fie called, picked up and it was as though I was being returned the favour of last night ! Yeah, accidental pressing of the keypad. Yeah .... yeah ....

I still need to do my assignment. Need to go down to Marine Parade library later to borrow "How to use Adobe Pagemaker for dummies, version 7".

Then it's back to staring morosely at the PC screen .....

Friday, April 02, 2004

Happy Belated Birthday to me !

*rolls eyes*

I was actually planning to write yesterday but both my work and home connections were giving me problems. So instead of staring morosely at the computer screen, I ate. At 11.40 pm. I had rice with fried fish with sambal kicap (my favourite !) with a bowl of lady's fingers soup. It was excellent. Ate with my mother and Ayu. By the time I polished off the meal, it was already 5 minutes past midnight. The first of the month I'd already missed. So instead of having zero one dash zero four dash zero four, I have to make do with zero two dash zero four dash zero four.

So anyways, I'd been a very rude girl. Last night in class, I was basically reading the textbook instead of listening to the word by word droning of Ms Christina. And to top it all off, I overdosed on coffee and sugar ! Mans, I feel so bad !

But no matter, I still made plans to meet up with Sha, Fie and Elaine for dinner later. And then I realised that I might have the City Harvest group coming over for practicals !!! They still have yet to call and finalise their arrangements for today. And they cannot blame me if I can't stay because I'd made plans and I should not cancel them. The plans, not CHEC. Anyways, not my problem because they were clearly at fault for not informing me beforehand. I can't be sitting around waiting for them to tell me whether they are coming over or not !

Oh, one more thing, I'd scoped a birthday present for myself. I'd be super happy if I can get it ! It's something I'd been wanting to get since I last saw it ! Hopefully by the time my real birthdate rolls in, the item is NOT out of stock !