silentscream Search

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Slept over

I slept over Dear's place last night. I did not even go home in the wee hours of the morning because 1) I have no cab money for the ungodly hour taxi ride home; 2) I'm on leave tomorrow; 3) I have a change of clothes at his place; 4) I did not spend the night on Tuesday and 5) Dear's last day before he goes back home.

Yeah, I was trying to maximise my time with Dear before spending the whole weekend with him on another part of the equator. I know. I know. Sad, I know.

Honestly, I don't know how I will cope this time round that he's gone and left me for more than 2 days. I think I can handle a couple of days without seeing him as long as I know he's on the same island. But five days, him on another island ? I don't know mans.

Yeah, I know he'd gone for a longer period in April but we had just started going out then and I was able to cope without him around all the time. But seven months on ? *sheesh* I really don't know. Good thing it's only five days. Imagine a two week break from seeing each other everyday. *sighs* I'm such a girl.

So anyways, I'll be seeing Dear off at the airport tonight. His flight's after midnight so after work, will pop over his place to help him pack and stuff. Cook something simple for dinner and have a little bit of snuggle or cuddle time if possible.


I'll log off now before you guys throw up your lunch ...


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