silentscream Search

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Listen to that ?

Yeah, the sound of silence, aside from the humming of the AC. The occasional sounds of pencils hitting the table. The sounds of the clearing of the eraser dust, either by blowing them off or shoving on the paper with the fingers. The sounds of shuffling feet on the floor. The occasional clearing of throat and sharp intake of breath. The expulsion of breath.


The administration of exam. It's the Paper Based TOEFL this time round. Ah. All the side income ...

I stayed over with the dear last night. Made dinner, albeit too spicy and hot. Yeah, I went a little nuts on the chilli powder and the chilli padi. Had instant noodles. Stir fry french beans with tofu. I had no time to boil the rice by the time we rested after reaching home. Made the spicy chicken dish. Dear was very encouraging. He finished up all the dishes I cooked. Stuffed and satisfying. Felt appreciated.


After dinner, we watched TV for a bit before shwoering and then I crashed into bed. Needed to sleep early for this morning's exam. The alarm went off at 4.45 in the morning but I snoozed for a bit more. Dear was still sleeping. Then his radio clock alarm went off and he "voted" me to shower first. Smart man. But then again, he did take ages in the loo too !


Right then.

Planning lunch at WM later. Then we'll see how the day pans out. Dear needs to start his revision for his exams soon ! I must encourage him to open his text and sit down and "study" with him. Two modules, guess we have to take one each !


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