silentscream Search

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hey you, with the crazy girlfriend

I'm sorry. I should not have gone cold nor get pissed for no reason. I should have been more understanding, I should have given you the allowance to make the contact when you are more available. I'm sorry for being too demanding on your time, making it accountable to me. I could have been the one to call instead of waiting for your calls, getting angry and disappointed when the calls don't come in.

Thank you for your tolerance at my behaviour. Thank you for letting me get away with all these nonsense. This is happening way too frequently for your peace of mind. As I've said before, I don't know when I can cease this petulant, pre-school behaviour. Maybe eventually it will stop or maybe the occurrences may not happen that frequently. I don't know. Will you stick around to find out ? Will I eventually prove to you that I'm worth sticking around for ?

All I know is that you are the good thing that came round my life this year. Thank you so much for your presence in my life. You know how much I feel for you. Sometimes, it may seem that I don't really care for your feelings but that was mainly because I am reacting to my own insecurities.

Happy Seventh Month Anniversary, Dear.

I *heart* YOU !

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