silentscream Search

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Spick, span ...

Well ... I have finally started in organising my cupboard.


I spent the best part of today trying to throw out my stuff. But I couldn't.

All my old mags from 10 years ago are all boxed up. Just waiting for the opportunity to splash on a new cupboard / book shelf to dust them out and place them nicely behind glass covers. I am such a pack rat. It's amazing how a tiny cupboard can fit all my junk !

That said. I am officially taking a break now. Feeling a bit sian. Cheeky Monkey went MIA today. I didn't see him on MSN, nor did I receive any text messages from him. So that means, no phonecalls too. Feeling a little neglected. :(


I'm gonna have a bit of nap until 1800 hours. Gilmore Girls !!!

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