silentscream Search

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Another hot date

We went to watch Prince Caspian earlier. I so like the movie ! The sets were gorgeous, especially the beaches and the clear waters. Gorgeous ! The battle scenes were like battle scenes. Interesting but not that kapow.

The storyline was easy enough to follow and I'll be getting my hands on the book really soon. I can then read the whole entire series and not be wont for anything else. Hahaha.

I'm enjoying my time with him. He's my prince. He's my joy. I adore him. I love him.

Right then. I'll read for a bit before hitting the sack soon. Another long day tomorrow. Trace had organised a dinner thing at Charco's tomorrow night. The food's affordable and yummy. As with the dinner I had earlier. Yummy and affordable. Thank you babe for bringing me to the food place. :D

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