silentscream Search

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It took all the strength I had not to fall apart

I'm hungry.

I'm feeling rejected and abandoned.

I'm moody and tense right now.

We had a bit of tiff earlier today. I figured I could handle everything in my stride. I figured wrong. I told him I would have to deal with the fact that she's going to remain in his life. As a friend. Or a buddy as she claimed.

I am not one of those women who "controls" who her guy befriends. I don't want to be one of those women. In fact, I'm ashamed that women can dislike another so vehemently to the point of not even allowing her partner to even breathe the same air as the other party.

It's nothing, he claimed. "She does not look at me like that. She did not have feelings for me," he continued. Well. That was then, when he was a swinging bachelor boy. When no woman had laid claim on him. Now. When one had found him desirable, it will open the floodgates.

Maybe I'm paranoid. Maybe I'm crazy to think that way. But I know women. And I know women such as her.

Do I trust him ? Yes, without any questionable doubts.

Do I trust her ? Ask me again in another lifetime. I might just answer truthfully the next time round.

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