silentscream Search

Saturday, June 07, 2008

16 Missed Calls

18, if you count the 2 that was on my landline.

I caused my poor fella undue worry earlier. And it's all because I fell asleep in the bathroom. I reached home about 5 minutes after midnight after spending a couple of hours at his place. Since it was that time of the month, I quickly rushed to shower as it's been a long, long day at work. What with the putting up of signages and FT No. 2's BS. Damn frust, mans ! If he fucking wants to oversee the damn exam, then fucking don't offer me to do it. Fucking FT ! (For the uninitiated, FT is FuckTard = Fucking Retard.)

So anyways, back to me falling asleep while in the shower.

So off I went to the bathroom and I decided to sit on the bathroom floor for a bit and before I knew it, I woke up with a start ! I had fallen asleep, for God knows how long ! I came out of the bathroom at 12.35 and went in to my room and checked my landline phone. Hmm ... 2 missed calls from Cheeky Monkey. As I was calling him back, my text message tone went off. 2 times. CM finally picked up my call but he sounded really worried and panicky !

He had waited for me to call (as always) when I reached home but because I rushed to shower, he wondered if something horrid had happened to me ! Oh, I know the agony of not knowing ! I feel so stupid ! I should have quickly texted him when I reached home as I always did ! What was worse for him was that as I was walking to the lift from his apartment door, he told me to text him if I reached home. I replied by saying if and not when. Ah. I heard him say IF, he said he told me WHEN. And as a result, he thought I was lying somewhere by the roadside when his calls went unanswered. He called 16 times on my mobile and was so close to calling the guys in blue !

What makes it even more frantic for him was when he called my landline and Ma answered to say that I wasn't home yet. And this was while I was in the bathroom !


I messed up big time. CM was feeling under the weather just now and I had made him worse by causing unnecessary worry over my well-being. Truly, I can be such a selfish cow sometimes.

Honey. Sugar. Darling. Sweetheart. Babe. Love.


Especially so, after a shitty week you had at work !


Please smack me when I come over later this evening, yeah ?

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