silentscream Search

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Recently, my boss called me in to his office. He had made an offer to R and I a couple of weeks ago regarding a position that might open up in our office. Apparently now, he's "seeking" me to consider and accept the position.

This would mean a certain promotion to me, a lowly officer, to a managerial position. He explained that some of my current duties will be offloaded to R if I assume that new position. I would be given the fullest support by the other guys in the office.

Would I be commanding the income of the previous person in that job ? What are the other "jobs" I am supposed to undertake with this new position ? Will I be the scapegoat for everything that's gone wrong now after my predecessor leaves ?

Questions which should be directed to the person who offered me the position. Yet, I am reluctant to face him and his "sweet talk-ness". What prompted him to offer this to me ? The fact that he heard that I might be leaving soon ? The fact that R is his mortal enemy ?

IF I should pass this over, R would get the offer. I'm happy for him. He needs the challenge more than the current "job" is giving him. His talents are wasted in his current work that he does in the office. No doubt, I will miss his helping hands in some of my work but it's really not fair for him to carry my stuff when he's got so much more he can offer the company.

Quite possibly, the drawback is always the respect you have for the people on top. Once that is lost, it is so hard to regain the level of respect. Even worse, it can't be earned back. It's sad really, what's happening in my office. I love the environment before. Now, after the mass exodus, even if I still love my job, I am determined to leave the company. It's difficult coming to work everyday with so much "hostilities" and non-understanding of the work we do.

It's not just about me anymore. If you ask anyone at my current work place if they would stay on longer, everyone would probably have the same response. We will move when and if the conditions are right. There is just no more commitment to make where we are a success anymore. Really, it is sad.

Imagine this, an ex-colleague and a good friend of mine, having worked there, contributed all she could after 11 years, left the company. The reason being ? The top people were just too stingy to reward her accordingly. The pittance given, will never be enough to make her stay on. It's either fight or flight. Rather than waste energy and precious time, flight is the answer, no ?


The question for me this morning: To accept or reject. A decision that could either see me where I am for another couple of years or gone to a "better" place by the end of this year.

Where and how life takes me depends on the courage I face head on. Wish me luck and a wise choice. For life without choices is no life at all. :)

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