silentscream Search

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

All in good faith

So I declined the job "promotion".

You ask, was I stupid to do it ? Should I have at least hung on to that albeit a few months only ?

The answer would be if I had done that, I would have sold my soul to the devil. Hahaha. Dramatic, I sometimes may be but in this instance, I was facing reality. The truth of it all is that if I had accepted the job "promotion" I would be praying everyday to die. A slow, agonising, unmerciful death.

I don't want that. I don't need the extra hatred so wished on my "position" by the disgruntled, unhappy people. I so do not want that. Am I happy doing the job I'm doing ? Yes and no. I am happy with the job and yet I am unhappy with some of the people I work with.

And that is not a good sign. I am hanging on by a thread and yet the tension is getting bigger. The thread may soon snap and I will free fall. I might just be happy then, either crashing to earth or landing perfectly on my feet.

The fifty percent chance is something I anticipate and look forward too. Give me the strength to get through the devils in disguise.

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