silentscream Search

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cooking !

My Ma's gonna start her cooking soon. I'll be assisting in the initial preparation of the cooking items. Peel onions, garlic and other stuff that needs to be done.

I was supposed to help look after my nephew while my Ma pops over to the market but as you guys know, I slept over at my dear's place and left pretty late after a bit of clean up of his room and toilet.

He was a dear to have ordered Mac's breakfast for my morning meal. He had his breakfast as well and we both went back to bed. Woke up after 7 after snoozing for a bit. I wish he didn't have to work but he needs to earn the moolah. :)

Anyways, here I am back home, waiting for my Ma to give "orders and instructions" ... Will update more later. If time permits and I'm not too lazy.

Last day of the fasting month, yo !

Monday, September 29, 2008

Last day

I'll be on leave from tomorrow until Friday afternoon. Now, now ... What shall I do with my time ? Clean the house ? Naah ...

I'm so happy today. I came to work happy, packed a couple of containers of cookies. One for the office guys, the other for my darling. Will be hanging out at his place tonight. *bliss*

Two more days of fasting left. Sad to leave this month, yet happy that I'd been pretty resilient in my fast.


Need to leave the office soon ... I need to bring a student for his medical checkup because our dear Mr G was too "busy" to go in the afternoon. Apparently, it's not very good for him to bring students for checkup in the afternoon because of traffic congestion in the town area.

Well. It's his own fault for engaging a clinic in the town area in the first place. Want to be "atas" but don't care to follow through anytime. The kid's social visit visa will expire this weekend so I need to arrange the medical today in lieu of the pub hol on Wednesday. Ah wells. I get the afternoon off, technically.

I always believe in what goes around, comes around. *winks*

Sunday, September 28, 2008


So much news I need to share with you guys.

Firstly, it was a bad decision to go into JB on the last weekend before the festivities. Yesterday ? It was a challenge. The weather didn't help much. The sun was bent on beating on us so fiercely. The hordes of people did not abate at all. At the Malaysian custom nor at the shopping complexes. My favourite snack, banana crisps was so totally sold out. Searching high and low rendered only small packs. People, if you are kind enough, please send some banana crisps my way. I prefer the salty ones, sweet ones will be passed over. Mucho gracias.

Next, Mr G's daughter, Mayce was diagnosed with a tumour in her brain. It was initially thought of as a small aneurysm in her brain through the initial MRI scan. But subsequent scanning revealed a small growth. I believe it was benign. Her surgery's slated for the second week of October. More news, please go to her blog page here. She seemed okay, sounded positive when I texted and MSN-ed her. I pray for everything to turn out well for her. I pray for the strength for her and family.

The end of the F1 night race in Singapore. If you are living under a rock all this while, you would have realised that this leg is touted as to be the best this year. I saw and was pretty amazed that the streets of Marina Bay could be transformed as such. Renault's Alonso won the race. I like McLaren but since Renault won, I am happy too. And Ferrari ? No where close to a top 10 finish. Hahaha ... Poor suckers !

Finally, a paragraph to end this post. Aidilfitri's coming in a matter of days ! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this year's Ramadhan. I hope to be able to see more of the good month each year.

I miss my darling. Two whole days of not being with him. Tough. Really tough. Hehehe ... It was our 6 months anniversary yesterday. So I asked him what he wanted for his anni gift and guess what his answer was ? Me ! And I told him that he's got me ... So he said, he don't need anything else. My darling is such a sweetheart. I *heart* him mucho, mucho !!! :D

Anyways, he's got what he needs (ME !) but I still need to give him what he wants ! :)

All right then. Better turn in soon. Such a lovely weekend. Loads of sleep and rest !

Saturday, September 27, 2008


It's gonna be a quick one as I am getting ready to leave the house to go across the causeway.

I'm chatting with my dear at the moment. Yeah, I did arrive home early this morning but dear was still sound asleep and I didn't want to wake him up before time. My poor darling had been missing on precious sleep everytime I take my leave in the morning.


I miss him so. His scent, his voice, his solid build. Darling I miss you mucho, mucho !


Friday, September 26, 2008

Staying in late !

I'm in the office still right now. Finally had a bit of a breather after the whole day of rushing to send out a major mailout. I'm gonna head out to the post office soon and then head for dinner.


Should I go over to my dear's place afterwards or should I head on home directly ? I'm gonna go up to JB tomorrow with Ma to do a bit of Hari Raya chips shopping. Mmmm ... Banana chips. Tapioca chips. Mmmm .... Chips ...

Alright. I guess I won't get an answer now. So the decision is mine to make.

More updates tomorrow ?

Have a nice weekend all !

Thursday, September 25, 2008

And a "Good Morning" to you too.

To say that my Ma was pissed will be like exaggerating the reaction and twisting the truth to shed me in a fair light. Ma was pretty reasonable with my comings and goings. She understood why but she still feels that I should not continue what I'm doing.

Cabbing is an expensive hobby. Especially so when the surcharges start to play into the total costs. People say that cabbing is definitely a cheaper option to owning a car, something my dear had thought of quite often. True in a sense but bussing is definitely cheaper than cabbing, no ?


Now it's up to my resolve and determination to catch the last express bus home every night. My Ma was fair enough to not stop me from hanging out with my dear, she was just concern over the unnecessary expenses incurred as a result of the late/early mornings. I must listen to my Ma because it makes sense, no ?

Anyways, we need to start saving if we are to have a little bit of heaven later. Dear, I'm sorry if I'm always putting you in a difficult place about the stay overs. I'm always thankful for you. :D XXX

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

~ Welcome To Wherever You Are ~ Bon Jovi

Maybe we're different, but we're still the same
We all got the blood of Eden, running through our veins
I know sometimes it's hard for you to see
You come between just who you are and who you wanna be

If you feel alone, and lost and need a friend
Remember every new beginning, is some beginning's end

Welcome to wherever you are
This is your life, you made it this far
Welcome, you gotta believe
That right here right now, you're exactly where you're supposed to be
Welcome, to wherever you are

When everybody's in, and you're left out
And you feel your drowning, in a shadow of a doubt
Everyone's a miracle in their own way
Just listen to yourself, not what other people say

When it seems you're lost, alone and feeling down
Remember everybody's different
Just take a look around


Be who you want to, be who you are
Everyone's a hero, everyone's a star

When you wanna give up, and your heart's about to break
Remember that you're perfect, God makes no mistakes


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fat Tuesday

Or rather Bad Tuesday.

I'm stoning in the office right. I've reached here about an hour ago after stoning for 3 hours at ICA. Good thing I'd brought my bag along and with it a lot of goodies to read. I'd started on the Prelude to the Sandman series and I am so hooked on it now. Scary and yet fascinating.

The next one I should start on would be the Watchmen. Apparently it's a damn good novel to own. Well, I saw the trailer for the movie a couple of weeks ago and I will be sure not to miss it.

Thanks to Cheeky Monkey that I am hooked on graphic novels. Ah. Neil Gaiman's the bomb. :)

This post would be more like a "Fat Chance Tuesday" if only I'd be more willing to say "No".

OM asked me for money today. Not a loan, just outright asking as if it's a given right. Well, technically he can ask money from me but it's a little weird no ? Makes me feel as though the monthly grocery infusion is insufficient. On top of that, I have to settle the monthly bills and housing loans. Sometimes I feel like tearing out my hair because I am not able to provide a standard of living OM was accustomed to. Like spending fifty bucks in a day without any guilt.


Maybe I am not a good enough daughter. I don't give enough to make sure everyone lives comfortably. Maybe I should start saving up again. No more excessive spending and such. I feel so useless today. Generally, I feel useless anyways. If you are one of those light reader, you can see that my being is surrounded by bluish-black light. I'm depressed and saddened by OM's behaviour.

But that is my lot in life, no ? Temporary, I keep telling myself this. One day soon, I may not even need all this nonsense. Everything is transient, even my unworthy life is temporary. One day soon I will leave this plane and be sujected to other forces. Sooner or later, we will all be answerable to our actions.

No time for smiling. No time to even joke. Pain is as you know it, keen at first, then the wound would scab over leaving a thudding presence under the cut. Lamenting on the pain is like seeing for the blind. Utterly devoid of worth.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The end is near :)

Nine days until the end of the good month. Well. If you count today, which is technically inaccurate because the day had just started, then it's only eight days until the end but anyways. To digress, it's gonna be Syawal soon !!! Really soon.

My Muslim brothers and sisters have started buying new clothes, making cookies and cakes and cleaning the house and such. Even my non Muslim brother had cleaned up his room (Cheeky Monkey, I'm talking about you here.). I might cross the Causeway this weekend (after pay day !) with my Ma to get some crisps and muruku ! Mmmmmm ....

I have barely started to get organised. I will be soon. Planning to take a few days leave next week. Clean my room, throw away the unwanted clothes in my wardrobe. Waiting for the new cabinet to arrive (Yo, Sis when can we get the cabinet ?). Then I'm home free. Perhaps I'll throw out my old mattress and use the bed in the middle room ... Perhaps I'll put in the new fridge too. Then I don't ever have to leave my room except to go to the loo.

Well. If I can get organised, everything can and shall be done.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

She says

Come on, cut him a break. Let him do what he needs to do. Don't be such a nag. You are not his wife nor his fiancee. You are just a girlfriend. You are expendable. Stop acting like such an old lady. He's an adult, he can take care of himself. He has a mother, he doesn't need another one here. He had been living on his own for the past few years. He knows what's good for him and you know for sure he will not wilfully hurt himself. Nor let others hurt him. Take a chill pill and go to sleep. You need to wake up in less than 2 hours.

Stupid woman. Nag, nag, nag. Then throw tantrums. Shut up and stop being so controlling. You will drive him away. There is tolerance and then there is tolerance. Don't fuck up this relationship. You are a good person, stop feeling sorry for yourself and cock up something that is good for your soul. Quiet those voices of doubts.

If you are truly unhappy, then break up. If he can't be the one to make you smile when you wake up, then cut off all ties. If everything he says or do irritates you then it's better you save both the misery.

He makes you laugh, he makes you cry. He's the solidity you have been craving these past few months. If there is a lesson you must learn, he really cares a whole lot for you. Why the fuck then does he put up with all your nonsense and idiosyncracies ?

Stupid, silly woman. Remember the heartache and pain when you decided that enough was enough a few months ago ? How you cannot bring yourself to sever your bond with him ? Remember how unwilling he was to let you go ? How he threatened to go away and live a life of solitude when you know he's a social creature ? Remember how then you cannot live to see him live like that ?


Shut up and go to sleep. Talk to him later. Face to face is the best. I've said my piece. If you choose not to heed, then I can tell you that before this year is out, you will be a bitter, sad old woman. Rejoice and love him without conditions nor censure or critcisms.

Close your eyes now,
Go to sleep now,
I'll turn down the light ...

Saturday, September 20, 2008


I'm so darn sleepy. I roused myself from his bed after snoozing for close to an hour after the alarm rang. Quickly got ready to head home. Poor darling was half asleep and I always feel guilty having to subject him to my early morning "escapades".

I've just finished my morning meal. Rice and fish. Not too bad. I had grapes too. Yummy and juicy. I hope I don't lose too much water before half the day is over. So anyways, just a quick post as I need to catch up on proper sleep.

I had dinner with Trace, D and R at Charco's last night. I had the fish wrap, not too bad because the cheese was the best part. The fish was just fish fingers but I have nothing to complain because I love fish fingers ! After dinner, we headed over to D's place and just hung out there for a couple of hours. Then we headed home and shared a cab with Trace and R. Popped over my dear's place because I was just too lazy to head on home. Hahaha ...

And so there I was at 3.30 am in the morning, stoned with the last vestiges of sleep trying my darnest to not fall into bed again. Else, I'll be late and Ma would "scream". Hah. Not likely.

Right. My quick one has turned into a long one, so I must say good day and updates later !


Friday, September 19, 2008

Weekend's here again !

It's the last day of the week. We have come to the end of the work week. All the shit and major happenings safely out of mind as we prepare of the 2 days of rest.

I want to do something important this weekend ...

I want to apply for jobs !

Happy Friday, everyone ! :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sun chasing the moon

I was on the school bus this morning. The sun was just arising on the right and when I looked up to my left, the moon was just leaving the sky.

What a beautiful sight !

The moon on the run from the sun, chasing fiercely amongst the clouds. And the clouds ? Well, it seems to me that they were trying to protect the moon by covering its tracks.

I am glad to be alive and witness this play of the sky. It was as though all this inanimate things have a life of their own. The greatness of Him is undisputed.

Or perhaps, I'm just projecting my positive outlook today. I must say I do look fetching in my white blouse with a lone coconut tree on the front. Be happy today, peeps !

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Toot, goes the little toot

I am happy this morning. I woke up with my love, less crashing and thrashing in his room. Snooze for a bit and got ready to head on home.

Snooze a bit in the cab home. Snooze again once I reached home. Woke up for my morning meal and then I snooze for another forty minutes or so after the meal.

Woke up proper, hit the showers, and I got ready for work.

Left the house, walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus. The feeder was late and I prayed that I will not miss my school bus. Searched for my iPod to listen to some music and realised it's not in my bag.

Caught the school bus, called my darling to check on my iPod status and found out it's nowhere in sight in his room. I hoped I had left it in the office instead of the cab this morning.

Looked through my bag and found my backup iPod Shuffle. Checked for battery life and yeah ! Still has some juice left. Happiness all round with music in my ears. Snooze for a bit until I reached school.

Favourite songs on the iPod, skip in my step I waited for the lift up. They took forever to reach the ground and so I climbed up four flights of stairs. Morning exercise for the day is done. :D

Happy midweek guys !! *grins*

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

All in good faith

So I declined the job "promotion".

You ask, was I stupid to do it ? Should I have at least hung on to that albeit a few months only ?

The answer would be if I had done that, I would have sold my soul to the devil. Hahaha. Dramatic, I sometimes may be but in this instance, I was facing reality. The truth of it all is that if I had accepted the job "promotion" I would be praying everyday to die. A slow, agonising, unmerciful death.

I don't want that. I don't need the extra hatred so wished on my "position" by the disgruntled, unhappy people. I so do not want that. Am I happy doing the job I'm doing ? Yes and no. I am happy with the job and yet I am unhappy with some of the people I work with.

And that is not a good sign. I am hanging on by a thread and yet the tension is getting bigger. The thread may soon snap and I will free fall. I might just be happy then, either crashing to earth or landing perfectly on my feet.

The fifty percent chance is something I anticipate and look forward too. Give me the strength to get through the devils in disguise.

Monday, September 15, 2008


I need a cry. A good cry.

For the unfairness of it all. For my darling, who's been prejudiced against without fact nor reason ...

For the wicked ways of man. For the selfish ways of man. For the blindness in man.

Open your heart, open your mind. Our life is transient. We live today who knows of tomorrow. Doing good is better than just being good. Love Him as you know no other love.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

About to leave soon


You've caught me. Instead of going in to the office, I went straight over to my dear's place yesterday. Stayed overnight and here I am on a Sunday evening, just finished up with the letter.

I will then pop over to ICA tomorrow to hand deliver the letter after my Ma's appointment. Am I dedicated or what ?

Right then.

I've settled my work stuff and I am gonna head on out. Grab dinner at Coffeebean on the way back to dear's place. I hope the rain will hold off until I reached home. :D

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I needed to work !

I'm on my way to the office. It sucks big time because I'm feeling kind of lazy and I just want to just stone in bed. But I needed to come in to work today as I will be on leave on Monday to accompany Mother for her SNEC appointment.

I needed to be at work today because I have yet to write the appeal letters for the rejection cases yesterday. They had managed to get an extended stay until the coming Friday just so the flights could be arranged. How then can I delay their appeal ?

It's such a lovely day to spend with your *heart*. I'll pop down to his place later once I'm done in the office. :D

Honey will be so glad to have me around !!!


Friday, September 12, 2008

Fallen from grace

It's Friday and I am so not in the mood to work. The morning started out hectic, phone call after phone call. Seems like I was a very popular girl. Then the bad news hit and a couple of student's pass rejections caused a flurry of activities. Especially so since their social visit passes will be expiring today.


So anyways, I arranged for Mr G to bring them to try to get an extension at the bequest of their family friend. I felt sorry for them especially so the rejection letters did not state the reason for non-approval. This definitely made the appeal a little bit more challenging. But as you guys know me, I stepped up to the plate and tried to check if I had made mistakes in the initial applications.

I had not, so now I have to make things work for the 2 kids. So off to ICA Mr G went to get an extension of their stay, even though I know the chance is slim. Well. He'd just came back less than two hours ago. As expected. The kids have to leave the country or risk being slap with an overstaying offence.

I've called the family friend to inform and he's gonna try to appeal to see if he could get their stay extended so he can book flights home. Poor kids, stranded in a foreign country with minimal English and then this had to happen. So much for the confidence in the application process.

I'll write back to update their status.

On a more positive note, R and I would be meeting up with Jas, Mandy and Cheryl for dinner. Good food, good company. I look forward to it.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mamma Mia Part Deux !

I love Mamma Mia !!!

I love Mamma Mia !!!

I love Mamma Mia !!!

I love Mamma Mia !!!

I love Mamma Mia !!!

I love Mamma Mia !!!

I love Mamma Mia !!!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mamma Mia!

I'm watching Mamma Mia!

I'm watching Mamma Mia!

I'm watching Mamma Mia!

I'm watching Mamma Mia!

I'm watching Mamma Mia!

I'm watching Mamma Mia!

I'm watching Mamma Mia!


Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Recently, my boss called me in to his office. He had made an offer to R and I a couple of weeks ago regarding a position that might open up in our office. Apparently now, he's "seeking" me to consider and accept the position.

This would mean a certain promotion to me, a lowly officer, to a managerial position. He explained that some of my current duties will be offloaded to R if I assume that new position. I would be given the fullest support by the other guys in the office.

Would I be commanding the income of the previous person in that job ? What are the other "jobs" I am supposed to undertake with this new position ? Will I be the scapegoat for everything that's gone wrong now after my predecessor leaves ?

Questions which should be directed to the person who offered me the position. Yet, I am reluctant to face him and his "sweet talk-ness". What prompted him to offer this to me ? The fact that he heard that I might be leaving soon ? The fact that R is his mortal enemy ?

IF I should pass this over, R would get the offer. I'm happy for him. He needs the challenge more than the current "job" is giving him. His talents are wasted in his current work that he does in the office. No doubt, I will miss his helping hands in some of my work but it's really not fair for him to carry my stuff when he's got so much more he can offer the company.

Quite possibly, the drawback is always the respect you have for the people on top. Once that is lost, it is so hard to regain the level of respect. Even worse, it can't be earned back. It's sad really, what's happening in my office. I love the environment before. Now, after the mass exodus, even if I still love my job, I am determined to leave the company. It's difficult coming to work everyday with so much "hostilities" and non-understanding of the work we do.

It's not just about me anymore. If you ask anyone at my current work place if they would stay on longer, everyone would probably have the same response. We will move when and if the conditions are right. There is just no more commitment to make where we are a success anymore. Really, it is sad.

Imagine this, an ex-colleague and a good friend of mine, having worked there, contributed all she could after 11 years, left the company. The reason being ? The top people were just too stingy to reward her accordingly. The pittance given, will never be enough to make her stay on. It's either fight or flight. Rather than waste energy and precious time, flight is the answer, no ?


The question for me this morning: To accept or reject. A decision that could either see me where I am for another couple of years or gone to a "better" place by the end of this year.

Where and how life takes me depends on the courage I face head on. Wish me luck and a wise choice. For life without choices is no life at all. :)

Monday, September 08, 2008

Sorry is just not enough

He forgot to call, with so much going on over the weekend. He didn't forget me, just forgot to call or text me. He told me he had wanted to call Saturday evening but he crashed and burnt after the trip to the spa. Then on Sunday, he had to be about as soon as he's awake. And when he finally got home, he thought that he shan't disturb me since he thought I might be napping just before break fast time.

And there I was like a mad woman on the phone. Going on about us and I and him. Thoughtless little toot.

I am sorry for spoiling your good mood.

He called me 8 pm last night, voice cheery, thinking of the exciting news we'd be exchanging. And there I was, just after my last post, trying hard not to outright bawl at him. When I am wrong, I am wrong. My wrong is in causing the turnabout of your happy mood. I am sorry.

I hope you get to sleep, dear. I *heart* you so much, it hurts if you don't call when you say you would. I hope you would not be like the soap Sam commented on one of my posts. The harder it is you try to hold a bar of soap, the more it slips out your hand. Or maybe, you should be changed to shower cream. Just press and lather. :)

Baby, I'm really, really, really, really sorry ....

Sunday, September 07, 2008

You didn't call

I sit here, thinking of when does my individuality became a duality ? When I could have been happy just spending time alone with a good read or a good game, now I'm thinking, "He didn't call at all today. He didn't care to even text."

I knew that he will be out for a couple of functions today, he told me so a few days ago. I didn't go back to sleep after my morning meal, instead, I showered and I was contemplating popping over his place to spend the day with him. Then I remember his social obligations today.

I know that if I come over anyway, he will not tell me to go away. He will welcome me with a big grin and a warm hug. Then when it's time for him to leave for his functions, he will either ask me to stay until he comes back or he asks me if it's okay if I go on home. For how long until then, I know not.

Perchance I dare to ask him to cancel his functions, would he be willing to do so without making me feel guilty ? Am I willing to go if he asks me to leave without fuss or tantrums ? Do I stay when he wants me to, as I did Friday night ?

And so, now, sitting here, waiting for a word from him since yesterday afternoon. He said he would call me yesterday. And like a fool, I waited by my phone and still no calls. Today, wanting him a taste of his medicine, I turned off my mobile for a period and still no texts to indicate he tried to contact me.

Why is it always I who desperately needs some kind of evidence of invested emotions and he doesn't ? Am I coming on too strong, too deeply involved when it's just nothing set in stone yet ? We may not even be together for long, given the way things are right now.

Do I need someone who is as emotionally involved as I in this relationship ? Perhaps, I should take a step back and analyse when I've gone wrong. Maybe as Mothers always say, don't give too easily or no one will want you.

Do you want me ? Why do I feel that some days you don't want me ? That you can be without me ? Those days, I feel rejected and neglected. And those days, you call me pampered. I have the love of my family, why do I need yours too ?

Saturday, September 06, 2008

And he called me

A pampered girl.

The tiff was because I was emotionally pampered. My comeback to him was that if I don't want to be pampered, I would not bother having a boyfriend. I would have been better off alone. Less emotions wasted and more time to myself.

Seriously, dude. Of course I need to be pampered. I just feel that sometimes, you are so emotionally tight. Express your feelings, be silly, tell me that you care once in a while.

Another weekend of aloneness.

What's the point, yeah ?

Friday, September 05, 2008

The day after

Cheeky Monkey and I had a bit of a tiff yesterday. More that I was rather miffed with him. It was so stupid and childish but I realised from this episode that I can be such a horrid person.

Would it have helped if I had discussed it like any sane and rational person ? Perhaps it would have saved CM a trip to my place. As a result of the "misunderstanding", CM decided to send me home. All the way to the East. And then he had to travel all the way back to the West on an empty stomach. My poor darling was too shy to join my family for the birthday dinner.

It is such a silly thing to start with but it escalated to something more than it should have been in the first place. Can I be the bigger person and not take to heart all the littlest things that irked me ? I want to be listened to, hence this space, the self-absorbed weblog.

When I told Ma that CM sent me home, she was asking for him to join us and when I said that he's left for home she was a little miffed with me, thinking that I did not invite my dear. Hahaha ... If only she knew how much I had wanted him to come and join me !

So anyways, Ma packed some of the extra food for CM and I passed it over to him. Dear, I hope you like what I've brought ! Oooh ... Did I mention that the cake was yummy-licious ? It was ! The cake was so light and the fresh cream was so ... urrmmm ... fresh ? :D

All thanks to Younger Sis. Lovely cake, Sis ! Mucho gracias !!


IT'S F R I D A Y !!!!!


Thursday, September 04, 2008

B I R T H D A Y !

A HUGE shout out to my second niece, Aaliyah Shakira ...

Happy Birthday, Darling Girl !!!

Unti Leina LOVES you much.

Live well, have fun and be blessed always.


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Good pals ... I miss .. :(

Both R and I met Jas for dinner last night. We had been planning to meet up for quite a fair bit of time but we never did get an opportune time to socialise. We went to Ichiban Sushi at Plaza Sing and stayed for more than 2 hours, eating, drinking and making merry. It was good fun. I missed Jas !!!

We will arrange for another meet up soon. This time perhaps with Cheryl, Mandy and Ian. We'll see how it goes for me. :D

So anyways, Mariam is cool with my darling and I. Really thought she was pissed with us for bailing out on the clubbing the other night. I would be really bummed if she had stayed pissed with us !


Gotta get back to the work mode. I'm like wasting precious time blogging when my slave driver dictates I must work !

Give me my freedom to "eat snake" !!!


Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Boo-hoo ...

I'm all alone in the office ... Everyone's out and about doing their business or having lunch. I am stuck here with my Boss. Not fun at all !

What to do, must suck it up. Online with Trace at the moment. She's leaving for lunch soon but she's got no lunch kaki ... Gosh ! I imagine I would be without lunch kakis too if I go.

Well ... Worse comes to worse, I'll just lunch in like I've done before. No big shame in that. I can even save some lunch moolah if I pack lunch from home ! :D

Ah wells. I need to go out at about 2 today to bring a couple of students for their medical checkup for their Student's Pass cards. Mr G has an airport pick up and R's going for homestay so I cannot NOT go. I'm soooooo tired and stoned. I hope the kids are not too late in arrival ...

Right then. I'm gonna submit a few more applications of Student's Pass before I leave. I'm on top of the ball ... :D

Monday, September 01, 2008

Ramadhan 2008/1429H

As we celebrate the month of Ramadhan, I pray for the wisdom in the words that I use and the mental strength and tenacity to complete my daily fast.

I pray that the fast for each day is blessed and received with graciousness. I pray for the tolerance and understanding of the people I meet at work, home or otherwise. Most of all I pray for all the good, wondrous and precious creatures and things be appreciated.