silentscream Search

Monday, June 30, 2008

Excuses, please excuse me

Hey faithful readers.

My apologies for not updating my page for like the longest time. Well. It's almost a week since my last update.

I have been pretty swamped with stuff, both at work and in my personal life. Technically, those are just minor excuses. I've been feeling kinda "rubbed" the wrong way these few days. So many people I love and care about are leaving my current company.

It's got me thinking. People are moving on to another level in their career / work life, so what am I still doing here ? Generally speaking, I still love my job. It's got its perks and it's got its drawbacks. More often than not, I can live with the drawbacks, since most of the time I am not "disturbed".

I guess this feeling of restlessness and discontent stem from the fact that people are changing and evolving and I am seen as a stagnant post here. Would I like to go ? Perhaps, given the right conditions. Would I mind staying ? I can live with where and what I do right now. Again, can I survive this discontent and disenchantment ?

And so, let's recap my previous week. Happiness is but a barrel away, as "they" say.

Wednesday - Movie with the gang (minus Trace)

Thursday - Home early to prevent Ma from nagging

Friday - Overnight @ Cheeky Monkey's

Saturday - Tea with Cheeky Monkey and a couple of his mates plus overnight at CM's

Sunday - Home again to prevent Ma from nagging

Monday (today) - Stuck @ work :(

So there you go, all recaps done. Have fun you guys ! :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

That "unhot" feeling

I'm just not feeling up to it.

Lack of sleep plus lack of sheer will.

I just want to give everything up. Drop all the balls I'd been juggling down that chasm.

I'm hankering for something I don't think I can find.


Perhaps, I'm just too much for me to take. A bit of quiet time would be good for everyone. Perhaps, I should invest in some.

Healthy massage

For my baby, a relaxing good time.

I'm good, I'm really good he praised.


I am not just good.

I am one hot damn good masseuse !


Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Pump Room Breweries


After the cup of coffee, I feel like I'm some semblance of a human being.

Given the fact that I went to bed close to 6 am, I was technically up for 24 hours since yesterday ! My alarm rang at 5.45 am on Saturday morning when I had decided to trundle my way to the office.

After settling the things at work, I went over to Cheeky Monkey's place to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening with him. I popped back home for a nice long shower and a change of clothes before meeting the rest for our night out. Mariam and sister came to pick me up from my place and we eventually met with the rest outside The Pump Room.

It's been a while since I last went to a club and wow !

The atmosphere was so different ! So I went nuts and danced. I didn't drink so I just ordered a Red Bull and that drink lasted me the whole night at the club. And because I had that drink, I had the energy to jump and jump and move my bootie ! Hahaha ... A few times, Mariam gave me a weird look, like she had just unleashed an animal from the zoo ! Hahaha .. The gals were game with the dancing bit but the guys were more reserved except for Ed and R. D was basically enjoying his booze and singing along to the music while Izam, after joining us a bit later, rocked on with the music from the live band.

We stayed for 2 sets from the band and left the club at about 2.30 am. Both D and Trace hitched a ride with Ed while myself, R, Izam and Mariam's sis were squeezed in Mariam's car. We headed for supper after leaving the club but I had to be a bit of a wet blanket and hustled them to make a move when the time read 4.15 am. I had promised my Ma that I'd be home even though at the wee hours. Otherwise, I would have slept over at Cheeky Monkey's place !

Once home, I took a nice long shower, washed the hair and scrubbed all the important bits and attempted to dry the hair before falling into bed. The eyes were on their way to closure, even while in the car earlier. So how could I fight a losing battle ? Screw the wet hair. The minute my head touched the pillow, I was so gone !

I woke up at 12.30 pm, with the aroma of sambal tumis wafting in my nostrils. I thought my Ma had made nasi lemak for lunch. It was just chicken soup, mee or soto. I had that for lunch, watched Japan hour and went back to sleep at 2 pm. I had woken up intermittently during sleep, once when my Ma rang my mobile at 6 plus am. Another time was when my Elder Sis texted me to inform my Ma about the change of plans. And the final time was when the kids came over to accompany my Ma to my cousin's place for a get together.

I finally woke up properly at 4.30 pm, hungry, and had another round of chicken soup with mee. The stress is on chicken soup. :) To replenish the water loss from this morning. :D

Okay. I'm about done here. Just finished a telephone conversation with CM. I wished I wasn't so knackered out so I could have gone over to his place today. Instead of spending the whole day sleeping alone, I could have crashed on his bed, spooning. :D I wished I had told the Ma that I'm crashing over at a friend's place this morning. Ah, wells. No regrets, no ?

No matter, however. I can still meet up with him next week. A busy week at work, most definitely. So much things to clear and plan and do.

Energy. I need to keep up my energy level.

Red Bull, anyone ? *grins*

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bang & Blame

A wonderful Saturday spent in the office to clear some more work before the new school term opens next Monday. Yesterday was a bit of a mad day for me. I left the office at 8 pm. I took a cab home, but a stupid accident on the PIE caused me to waste precious minutes. Anyways, it was a few cars pile-up on the first lane with private cars and cabs involved. Stupid people for driving too fast causing stupid accidents !

I reached home, stoned on my mattress for a while and had dinner before hitting the showers. Somehow, the ingestion of too much caffeine in the office earlier made me clean the toilet. So there I was at 9.50 pm, scrubbing the toilet floor, door, bowl and walls for all their worth. It was good, I must say. Although, a thought niggling at the back of my mind was actually trying to "score points" with the parents so I can afford to come home early tomorrow morning. Hahaha. :D

So after a nice, clean and refreshing shower (or rather bath !), I drank the herbal slimming tea that Mariam gave yesterday. It tasted alright, a little like green tea. After which I read The Hammer of God for a bit before lights out. I tried calling Cheeky Monkey but his landline went unanswered and his mobile was switched off. I guessed he was not home yet and that his phone batt died ! So I texted him to call me when he reached home.

He did call but I think I was so flat out that my mobile went on ringing. He left a text message and I replied after 1 am this morning. Guess, we weren't meant to chat last night.

So here then, I am in the office. Lovely Saturday morning wasted for working.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Another hot date

We went to watch Prince Caspian earlier. I so like the movie ! The sets were gorgeous, especially the beaches and the clear waters. Gorgeous ! The battle scenes were like battle scenes. Interesting but not that kapow.

The storyline was easy enough to follow and I'll be getting my hands on the book really soon. I can then read the whole entire series and not be wont for anything else. Hahaha.

I'm enjoying my time with him. He's my prince. He's my joy. I adore him. I love him.

Right then. I'll read for a bit before hitting the sack soon. Another long day tomorrow. Trace had organised a dinner thing at Charco's tomorrow night. The food's affordable and yummy. As with the dinner I had earlier. Yummy and affordable. Thank you babe for bringing me to the food place. :D

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Strike One

Fool !
Thy name is Hel.
For amends, listen and hear  with your heart before moving the tongue and the lips.
Consequences: If this is not strictly followed, the most important person will walk away. Remember, curb your tongue and think carefully before shooting your mouth. Understand him as he tries to understand you. You will be happier then.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Duct tape me

Duct tape my mouth.

Gouge out my eyes.

Cut out my tongue.

Break all the bones in my fingers.

I can withstand all this pain but not the pain I inflicted on my guy on purpose. It's like there are 2 thoughts ruling my head. The insecure, needy one and the rational, practical one. I hate me. I wish I could stop doing this ugly, spiteful things to the person I care most.

I don't deserve the happiness you had all ready for me. Asking for forgiveness is not the solution. Grovelling and begging for second chances are wasted on me. I need a change of mindset. Please God, could you let me die and end the mental anguish to all the people who love me ?

It took all the strength I had not to fall apart

I'm hungry.

I'm feeling rejected and abandoned.

I'm moody and tense right now.

We had a bit of tiff earlier today. I figured I could handle everything in my stride. I figured wrong. I told him I would have to deal with the fact that she's going to remain in his life. As a friend. Or a buddy as she claimed.

I am not one of those women who "controls" who her guy befriends. I don't want to be one of those women. In fact, I'm ashamed that women can dislike another so vehemently to the point of not even allowing her partner to even breathe the same air as the other party.

It's nothing, he claimed. "She does not look at me like that. She did not have feelings for me," he continued. Well. That was then, when he was a swinging bachelor boy. When no woman had laid claim on him. Now. When one had found him desirable, it will open the floodgates.

Maybe I'm paranoid. Maybe I'm crazy to think that way. But I know women. And I know women such as her.

Do I trust him ? Yes, without any questionable doubts.

Do I trust her ? Ask me again in another lifetime. I might just answer truthfully the next time round.

It's a boy !

Younger Sister had safely delivered a baby boy at 2.45 am this morning. Both Mother and Baby are healthy !

I'm popping by the hospital later to visit the newest member of our family. Oh. And not forgetting to also visit the newest Mom on the block ! :D

Congratulations, sis !! You did all the hard work while we get to enjoy the bouncing baby !

Monday, June 16, 2008

When all is said and done


Plans are always a good bet. You plan when you need to get something done systematically. You plan when you need to prioritise your tasks. You plan when you expect efficiency.

When you plan, you put structure to your life. Be it planning at work, social settings or family. You need a plan.

As I need a plan too. I need to come up with a plausible internal audit plan.

H-E-L-P !!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Not just another text message

Very reluctant to go home right ? Feel like moving over, correct ?

Oh no, you are poisoned by the disease called love. Haha.

From: Tracey S
21:13 15-Jun-08

Incense - Violet - Cone Type

So I had plans to get me a new laptop during this PC Show. I had wanted to get a Mac Book or something.

I even went down twice to the PC Show. Once, on Thursday and the second time was just yesterday before popping over to Ed's place. Both times that I went, I got stuff for other people but not for me. The deals were okay, the Macs were bloddy expensive.

Previously when I got my current desktop, all I needed to do was figure out which particular brand I coveted and plonked the cash on it. Hahaha ... So here I am stuck with the same desktop for about 3 years. It's working. It's still allowing me to surf until I drop and store junk with still so much space available.

For now, I'm happy. But who knows what will happen when the next PC Show comes around ? I might just plonk a whole load of cash on that droolsome Mac. :D

(Cheeky Monkey bought a new laptop and since it is a new "toy" he was pretty much engrossed with it. I stayed over until about an hour ago, just being with him for the best part of the day. Plus point for him was that he managed to curb his playtime with the new "toy" until late afternoon, early evening today. How can I even thought to compete with the flashy new "toy" ? *sticksouttongue* I guess I have to give him a few more days with the new "toy" until his craving for his old "toy", i.e. me, is just too much for him to ignore ! *grins*)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sleep deprived


I want ! I want !

As mentioned in my post yesterday, a busy, hectic day is in for me today. To start with, the day begins with the invigilation of the CISA Exam in school. Well. I'm keeping watch of the whole room while "posting" my blog. Actually, I'm writing it down the old fashioned way --> with pen and paper !

(I must learn how to mobile blog !)

Next up, after the end of the exam thing, Cheeky Monkey had invited me for a lunch do with his 'mates. :) Good thing, it's at his place. Later, I can sneak back upstairs to catch the Monday's episode of Prison Break and Lost that I'd missed.

Then, around 6 in the evening, I'll be heading down to Ed's place for his farewell BBQ dinner. Chock-a-block day of gatherings and social events. I like !

Friday, June 13, 2008

Where the cows come home

I must sleep now. Soon.

Long day tomorrow, Early morning start for an exam invigilation. Followed by a lunch thing with Cheeky Monkey and his 'mates. Finally, dinner BBQ @ Ed's.

Insufficient sleep ? You bet.

Loads of fun time ? But of course ! :D

Thursday, June 12, 2008

New speccies

I picked up my new speccies during lunch today ! Bliss !!!

I shall be wearing them tomorrow ! :D

Beary, beary good !!!

Elder Sis passed me a found Man U bear yesterday. She had cleaned it up and washed it and dried it. And the bear ? I so heart the bear !!! I'll post a photo of it soon.

Speaking of which, I need to post a photo of one of the gifts Cheeky Monkey gave me last month. I just need a little help / push.

Can someone please pass me a link for photo upload sites ? Preferably, with minimum signup procedures and ease of use plus with a good upload photo storage space ?

Just drop the link on my "Screams". Thanks ! :D

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

~ I Close My Eyes And Count To Ten ~ Dusty Springfield

I was listening to this song on the way to the office. The lyrics resonates what I was feeling these past few days. It was especially meaningful after our exchange last night. I'm still in a state of disbelief that we are together. And that we want to be together all the time. Well, at least for me, I want to be with him all the time. Clingy ? Or just the honeymoon period ?

It isn't the way that you look
And it isn't the way that you talk
It isn't the things that you say or do
Make me want you so

It is nothing to do with the wine
Or the music that's flooding my mind
But never before have I been so sure
You're the someone I dreamed I would find

It's the way you make me feel
The moment I am close to you
It's a feeling so unreal
Somehow I can't believe it's true
The pounding I feel in my heart
The hoping that we'll never part
I can't believe this is really happening to me

I close my eyes and count to ten
And when I open them you're still here
I close my eyes and count again
I can't believe it but you're still here

We were strangers a moment ago
With a few dreams but nothing to show
The world was a place
With a frown on its face
And tomorrow was just, I don't know

But the way you make me feel
The moment I am close to you
Makes today seem so unreal
Somehow I can't believe it's true
Tomorrow will you still be here?
Tomorrow will come but I fear
That what is happening to me
Is only a dream

I close my eyes and count to ten
And when I open them you're still here
I close my eyes and count again
I can't believe it but you're still here
I close my eyes and count to ten
And when I open them you're still here

Power to the people

We are unpretentious.
We do not make demands.
We plan ahead.
We support the right decisions.
We are loyal.

So why can't we be respected ? Why must our voices be suppressed ? Why can't you hear us ?

To all the little people out there. We hold the power, actually. They cannot harm nor lay siege on us. It is what it is. We are who we are. Make no exceptions, no matter for whom.

Dove Dark Chocolate

There's a time for compromise ...

it's called "later".


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I don't want ...

... to sleep alone. Stay with me, don't go.

I so want him to stay with him. I so do not want to leave. But circumstances as they are, it's just not a possibility.

So here I am again.

Surviving on 2 plus hours of sleep. Yes, I know I did nap while I was there but it doesn't count, does it ?


Monday, June 09, 2008

No breakfast, no lunch

Just dinner for me, thank you very much.

I bought masala thosai for breakfast this morning. The craving was there but breakfast hour was over before I realised it was lunch time.

And lunch time ? Don't mention lunch. I wanted to have my masala thosai for lunch, even though Boss had ordered a farewell lunch in for Ed. I sulked and refused to have the ordered lunch and before I knew it, it was time to pack up and go. So, my thosai is still uneaten.

I promise. I will have it for dinner. My craving must be fed.

Mmmmmm ....

I need to leave soon. *sighs*

Feeling a tad bit hungry. Counting down to the dinner hour.

A fresh start ...

A good night's sleep. A restful weekend. A wonderful meal. A restorative drink. A new perspective of life.

Thank you for letting me see the morning. Thank you for being able to allow the heart to pump and the brain to function.

Thank you for this life.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Sleeping Non Beauty

I had the most hours of sleep in this week, last night.

As you know, I had the SAT invigilation yesterday so I had to wake up, like super early. Mariam was kind enough to pick me up and we reached school at 6.30 am. Even though she picked me up a bit later than arranged and we stopped over at Geylang Market to get breakfast for the people helping me out.

Mr G and D had modified the registration process and everything went as smoothly as they could. Even the supervisors and proctors were on their best behaviour. Except for one new supervisor. I've should have paid more attention to his inexperience. Well. That and the fact that someone else was trying to pour cold water at certain points. Anyways, things went smoothly, all thanks to the teamwork showed by my team. :D Bless their hearts !

After everything from the Saturday exam was settled, the plan was for us to go to Queensway Shopping Center. Mariam needed to make glasses with transition lenses for the periods when she's driving in the day. So I recommended the optics shop I always go to in Queensway SC. So together with R, who wanted to get a new squash racquet, we went down to Queensway SC. Time check was 5 pm. The good thing was we had ordered Pizza for lunch so we didn't have to hunt for food ! Otherwise, I would have fainted. Breakfast was forgone with the duties of the centre supervisor !


Spectacle shop = New glasses + contact lenses

I just could not resist ! I got me a new pair of speccies !!! The intention was just to get another month's supplies of daily lenses but because I am such a spectacle whore, I just had to get me a new pair. There was this one black frames with blink at the sides with a nice smooth finish. I would have gotten it if it came in another shade. Black is just too boring !

Mariam, meanwhile, could not decide between a blue or purple Levi's frames. Both looked gorgeous but I know which one I would have picked if I was looking to spend that kind of dosh on frames alone ! She finally decided on the blue frames because it is so her. The loud, flamboyant type where it screams, "Look at me !" is just not her.

R got his squash racquet and a racquet bag and he was as pleased as a clam. After which, we left Queensway SC because Mariam needed to pick up her sister and go to her cousin's place. She dropped R at Marina, where her sister was waiting and drove me back home before heading out to Simei.

I got home, OM was watching tv but the Ma was still at my aunt's place. My cousin's wedding this weekend. I am popping over for a bit soon.

I took a shower, cooked instant noodles, read for a bit and crashed ! And all this was before 9 pm on a Saturday night ! Boring, boring, boring ! More like, tired, tired, tired ! *winks*

Cheeky Monkey had a dinner appointment with his mates. The plan was for me to rest for a bit and then going over to meet CM once he's free. He rang at 10 pm to tell me he was on the way home but Ma answered telling him I'd already slept. I thought I woke up a bit later to call him back and to tell him to call me once he's home. I can't quite recall that. Honey, refresh my memory ! Although I did remember I charged my mobile juice. Hmmm ... Curious ....

He did rang my mobile after midnight but I was so lost in slumberland by then. So he sent me a text message to call if I woke up before he sleeps. The next time I woke up was after 3 am this morning, turned off the mobile charger and replied to his text.

I'm still waiting for him to make contact. I wanted to call but I was afraid I might wake him up. Poor CM had also been sleep deprived. Anyways, I'm gonna have lunch and then get ready to go over to the cousin's. After which, I might pop by the office to clean up my desk. After yesterday, my table looked like it was some relic from World War 2 !! :D

Saturday, June 07, 2008

16 Missed Calls

18, if you count the 2 that was on my landline.

I caused my poor fella undue worry earlier. And it's all because I fell asleep in the bathroom. I reached home about 5 minutes after midnight after spending a couple of hours at his place. Since it was that time of the month, I quickly rushed to shower as it's been a long, long day at work. What with the putting up of signages and FT No. 2's BS. Damn frust, mans ! If he fucking wants to oversee the damn exam, then fucking don't offer me to do it. Fucking FT ! (For the uninitiated, FT is FuckTard = Fucking Retard.)

So anyways, back to me falling asleep while in the shower.

So off I went to the bathroom and I decided to sit on the bathroom floor for a bit and before I knew it, I woke up with a start ! I had fallen asleep, for God knows how long ! I came out of the bathroom at 12.35 and went in to my room and checked my landline phone. Hmm ... 2 missed calls from Cheeky Monkey. As I was calling him back, my text message tone went off. 2 times. CM finally picked up my call but he sounded really worried and panicky !

He had waited for me to call (as always) when I reached home but because I rushed to shower, he wondered if something horrid had happened to me ! Oh, I know the agony of not knowing ! I feel so stupid ! I should have quickly texted him when I reached home as I always did ! What was worse for him was that as I was walking to the lift from his apartment door, he told me to text him if I reached home. I replied by saying if and not when. Ah. I heard him say IF, he said he told me WHEN. And as a result, he thought I was lying somewhere by the roadside when his calls went unanswered. He called 16 times on my mobile and was so close to calling the guys in blue !

What makes it even more frantic for him was when he called my landline and Ma answered to say that I wasn't home yet. And this was while I was in the bathroom !


I messed up big time. CM was feeling under the weather just now and I had made him worse by causing unnecessary worry over my well-being. Truly, I can be such a selfish cow sometimes.

Honey. Sugar. Darling. Sweetheart. Babe. Love.


Especially so, after a shitty week you had at work !


Please smack me when I come over later this evening, yeah ?

Friday, June 06, 2008

I'm good, you know I am

So it's Friday again.

Date me, tonight ? Please. :D

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Just a day

Just another day. A day quite unlike yesterday. A day that will be different than the day after today.

Head spins when the world turns. To understand the complexities, you need to be at the eye of the tornado.

When you can learn to be one with the universe, you are on your way to be who you know you should be.

Happiness is at the bottom ...

Of the wine barrel ...

I'm happy this morning. The sun casts a misty glow through the haze. The smell of coffee is permeating in the air.

Spending a wonderful night with your guy is what defines the morning.

Good MORNING !!!


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Lepak Session

So the six of us decided to make our way to Kallang Leisure Park after work. We decided to have dinner before making our way to the movies. Dinner was a letdown for me because the majority of the Muslim stalls were closed. I ended up eating fruits and spoiling my mood.

So after dinner, we went over to KLP. By then the movie that we had actually wanted to watch had started and the second showing will be a couple of hours later. By majority, we decided to scrape the movie idea but apparently, someone was not happy over that decision.

We then decided on what we could do. To ice skate, would mean to spend over 20 bucks just to start. Not everyone can spend that kinda dosh. So next stop, bowling. Guess what ? Again we can't bowl because there was a competition going on and the lanes will only be free after 10.30 pm ! And this is available after being fourth on the waiting list ! So again, that idea was scrapped.

Izam suggested Karaoke-ing at K-Box earlier so we made our way up. Turns out to be another expensive activity ! Finally, not knowing what else to do, we ended up in the Arcade. Played for about an hour before someone else suggested going to the bay at Tanjong Rhu.


That was where we stayed until we were joined by Jeffrey. We had supper from KFC and chatted until about 11 before going our separate ways.

Right now, my eyes feels puffy and sore because of 1) lack of sleep and 2) cried to sleep again.


Cheeky Monkey is not happy with me. :S

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Happy Hour

Technically, the happy hour should have been after work. However, the happy hour had just commenced. Currently on lunch break with the guys.

The school servers are still up so the internet is still up and running and so ...

Ah. Crap ...

Okay I've started and stopped this post so many times that I had lost my train of thought. Forget the whole post then.

Counting down until the 5 pm bell goes. Then it's play time ! Not that it won't be play time soon ... :D

The night that was to be

Another morning arrived, and I was happy again.

A movie night with the gang at work. I can't wait to go. For me, the issue is not the movie to watch. It was always about the camaraderie with the people you work with. We will be going to the cinema at Kallang Leisure Park. Personally, I've not been there even though it's pretty close to home.

Well. If you know me, then you know that I am not really a watching movie kinda person. In my younger days, it was one of my favourite past time but then it was because it gave me the opportunity to be out and about with the gals.

I really hope today will be a good day. Well, aside from the servers being shut down, I really hope I get to get some work done. Loads of things to clear up. Internal audit to plan, quality system to clean up. You know the major stuff.

Confession time. I went nuts on my guy yesterday. I will update more later. I am kinda pressed for time now as Mariam will come round in a few minutes to pick me up. Just a teeny, tiny post until I get internet access again.

Babe, I really went loco on you yesterday. As I've said, I'm sorry, I must trust you from my heart for us to work out. I love you and these moments we are together. I want to shout out to the world that you're mine. I want to show you off to all the people I know and don't know. I am willing to be a better person for you. I want to want you forever if we could. I am crazy about and for you.

Please forgive me. I know you didn't sign up for these bursts of irrational behaviour. I am learning to be someone you can be with at all times. I don't want to lose you. Not yet.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Monday Morning Delight

So what am I doing posting this early in the morning ? Did I even get to sleep ?

Well. For one thing, I am currently waiting for Mariam to pick me up to go to the office. It's the school holidays so technically, I am allowed to be at work after 8 am ! Hah ! The teachers are all on their school hols but Mariam. She wanted to study in school, so she's picking me up en route. Bless her heart, sweet lady.

With regards to the other question, of course I slept ! Not as soundly as I wanted to because Cheeky Monkey rang at 12.39 am. I was already close to slumber land but the bladder was bursting (that taught me not to drink coffee and loads of water before bedtime !) ! So I woke up, went to the loo and rang CM back. Chatted for a bit because he needed to 1) clean up his house still and 2) sleep (duh !).

I woke up again at 4.15 am. Thinking I was already so late, I was kinda panicky. Well, that was because the bladder was close to bursting again ! (Read insert above !)

The iTunes was still shuffling songs. Heh. I am such a sucker for sad love songs.. I can't remember my dreams, though. Just the fact that they were nice. :D

So anyways. No internet connection in the office for 3 freaking days this week. The servers will be shut down for maintenance. So it's paperwork in the office for me. Well, aside from the gossiping and chit-chat sessions with the rest. :D

I really hope nothing urgent comes through the email. :S

Have a good week ahead, people !!! Enjoy the smoother road travel to work and the school holidays with kids running around at all hours ! :D

Peace out...

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Spick, span ...

Well ... I have finally started in organising my cupboard.


I spent the best part of today trying to throw out my stuff. But I couldn't.

All my old mags from 10 years ago are all boxed up. Just waiting for the opportunity to splash on a new cupboard / book shelf to dust them out and place them nicely behind glass covers. I am such a pack rat. It's amazing how a tiny cupboard can fit all my junk !

That said. I am officially taking a break now. Feeling a bit sian. Cheeky Monkey went MIA today. I didn't see him on MSN, nor did I receive any text messages from him. So that means, no phonecalls too. Feeling a little neglected. :(


I'm gonna have a bit of nap until 1800 hours. Gilmore Girls !!!