silentscream Search

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Pissed off is a mild term to describe what I was feeling yesterday. It was such a hurtful experience to be let down by the very people you think you can trust. That is just at work. Home front, that's another area that got me cheesed off. My life seemed to be in a f***ed up mess at this mo. *I wanna get away I wanna fly away yeah yeah* Yeah, right .....

Accompanied Eileen to WestMall yesterday. She wanted to trade in her current cellphone to the new Sony Ericsson. Was it T610 ? Anyway, when we left work, we sorta like sneaked out coz official knock off time is 5.30 pm. But yesterday, we "siamed" at 5.15pm. Took a long circuitous route to the staircase to avoid Jessica sitting at the lift lobby and then guess who saw us sneaked out ? The very person we tried to avoid ! Har .... a pair of snoops are we !!!

The weather threatened to rain but we couldn't care less so we quickly walked to the bus stop. Saw the bus we wanted to take approaching the traffic light but we still maintained our current speed. Reached the bus stop together (bus and us). Along the way, it poured ! Rather heavily to boot ! We were just commenting we should have brought the brollies but as soon as we reached out destination the rain stopped. Thinking it was our lucky evening, we made our way to the M1 shop. Queue wasn't as long as the weekend (according to Eileen), so another lucky sign, we thought. She queued while I went browsing the mall. Found the community library there and decided to spend the rest of my waiting time there.

Was looking through my 3rd book when I received a text from Eileen. Made my way back to the shop. Waited another 10 mins or so before Eileen was called. Sat down and went about the business. She asked for the red T610 but sold out ! The nice man (NM) said he will try the other M1 shops. After searching on the computer system, he said there is a last red T610 somewhere. Said he will try giving them a ring. So we sat down and waited for the NM and Eileen chose a number. After waiting for some time, NM came back and said that all the red phones are gone. :((( So asked if she could get the display phone but NM said it's a dummy (duh !?!). So she decided to have a look at the other 2 colcours. Discussed about which colour she wanted (blue or silver), I'd go for the blue because I'm biased. She said she preferred the silver but after some time deliberating, she decided for the blue. Then she handed over her current phone and the NM fiddled with it. We were still trying to see the pros and cons of the blue. Looked slimmer, said Eileen. I said it was just an optical illusion. So anyway, the NM interrupted our debate and asked Eileen for the security code of her phone. She said she's not sure, try the default. NM said he tried but cannot crack. Eileen tried different combi, still couldn't crack it. Even called her hubby, zilch. Zero. Nada.

So we left the shop without me seeing E's new phone ! The disappointment. Thought I could coerced her to take the very first photo from the phone of my face. Just not meant to buy the phone. Arrgghhh .... Poor dear !

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