silentscream Search

Monday, December 01, 2003

I am at this stage in my mind where I feel as though I am a social pariah.

Know what ? Friends are not all that cracked up to be. It's like the whole world have this insane idea that everybody else needs friends. But friends can only travel with you until that certain point in your life. After that, you are on your own, babes.

I watched And The Band Played On last night. I've heard about the movie but well, yesterday was when I saw it in all its glory. I must admit it really was hard hitting. And I think that fame and fortune should not come into play when you are dealing with human lives. Like in the movie, Dr Gallo was more interested in seeking fame by being the one who discovered the virus. Even though the French doctors were much more consistent in trying to identify the causative agent in the new mysterious disease.

So anyway. It's World's AIDS Day. Time to remember that we are not all that mighty even with the advancement of Science and Technology. Something which is less than 0.2 microns big can cause huge social and financial burden.

Happy 22nd Birthday Elaine Chong !

My mother. You are the centre of my universe. I love you, even if you might not think I don't show it at times. I really love the times we spent together. Just the two of us, with the 5 "crazy" cats.

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