silentscream Search

Saturday, December 27, 2003

Hey people.

Found out that I don't have to hand in any assignments next week. All thanks to Kavitha. Such a sweetheart. Hehe ... Sorry if I'd panicked you last evening ! All the same, no time to slack off. I don't wanna panic again, come the week of assignment due dates ! *phew*

My ma's going to JB today. To attend a relative's wedding. Not her side of the family but my dad's and dad's not even accompanying her ! He had just came back from his night shift so most prolly, he'd be home sleeping it off. Or not. Anyway, I had to break a movie date with Laine. I really feel terrible, dear. I wish I can get my sis to house sit the cats but she practically ignored my cry for help. *sheesh* That's blood sisters for you !

House sit my cats ? Well, yeah, dad might let them go. As in put them back in the void deck. I won't be able to handle that trauma. So just for my ma, I am forsaking my social life, yet again. On the other hand, I can get to do my research on my assignments. Yeah, yeah .... I keep harping on them, but really, you guys can't imagine how freaked out I am by the idea of school. Super freaked out !

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