silentscream Search

Monday, December 15, 2003

As you can see, my second entry and the it's only half way through Manic Monday.

Yupz, too much time, too little motivation. Checked my bank balance earlier. Yupz, bonus and salary came in early. Damn, how do I keep my paws off all those sweet $$$ ???

Given the state of my mind at the moment, I just want to spend, spend, spend ! *lolz*

So anyway, I need ideas. I need help to find me a nice gift for the office gift exchange for under $ 10. Slightly more is fine. And no, please don't suggest The Body Shop's gift. I think that's the most convenient gift for unimaginative, possibly forced to celebrate this occasion individual. Some flair, people. And of course a little originality and authenticity.

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