silentscream Search

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

As I've told my 2 bestest friends (whom I'm chatting with right now on MSN) in the whole wide world (www, geddit ?), I am in serious need of a new machine. Machine being a PC. Yeah, I need it so much, my course passing marks depends on it. Like all of it !!!!!

My browser windows kept hanging in time, space and continuum every 5 minutes after I opened them. How the fark am I supposed to do my farking research for my farking assignments due farking next week ????

*breathes in and out slowly*

I am so farking bursting a blood vessel ! And then, where will I be ? Farking back to my first Patho assignment, that's where. Farking H - E - L - L !!!!

*breathes in and out slowly, at a faster rate*

I am so farking failing my course. I knew it ! My 2K odd bucks will finally say its goodbyes from the drainage hole. I am so farken screwed. So very screwed. F - A - R - K !!!!!!!!!

*screws breathing slowly*

People. Please do pray for me. My time is near. To say goodbye. To something I held close for 4 (farken) years. My (farken) PC is going to where all (farken) PCs go to. Some place better than in my (farken) room.


*tears out hair*

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