silentscream Search

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Click on this link to read what has been churning out by the people over in NUS.

Oh btw, if you have the chance, try to watch Sunshine. Arts Central screened it last night but I only caught it after an hour or so after the movie started. Movie was 3 hours long. And sad to say, I didn't manage to watch until the end (had to sleep, need to work today). Damn good movie, but then, I'm biased. It's a Ralph Fiennes vehicle and I must say, he's a damn good actor (aside from the biasness, it's the truth) ! And I would say he's been both the victim and torturer in movies involving the second world war. He was the victim in this movie and was the aggressor in Schindler's List. Which is by the way, a really excellent movie !

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