silentscream Search

Friday, December 19, 2003

Mass circumcision for racial harmony ?

KUALA LUMPUR - Given the growing popularity of circumcision among non-Muslim minorities, Malaysia is considering using mass circumcision ceremonies to promote racial harmony.

Cicumcision is a rite of passage for young Muslim boys, while for minority groups, it's seen as a good hygiene practice.

Dr Adbul Hamid Othman, the prime minister's religious adviser, has suggested that the ritual can bring Malaysians together and he wants to see a nationwide circumcision ceremony organised.

In Malaysia it is common for the ceremony to become an event with dozens, or even hundreds of boys being circumcised together, BBC Online reported yesterday.

The governement has been exploring ways of stopping the different groups from drifting apart, including the introduction of a national service scheme which begins in February.

Sounds like a plausible idea. Do you think there will be any takers for this mass circumcision ? No, do you even think this (hair-brain) idea would even take off ?????

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