silentscream Search

Thursday, December 11, 2003

I suspect I might be pregnant.

I was puking my guts out just. You know that bit of spasm when you know you have nothing else in the tummy to empty. Yup. Got that and more. I didn't know how it happened though. The puking bit of course. I was fine this morning. You know really psyched out to be at work so that I can go back early today. Really.

Then around 10-ish, received a popup message (or call ?? Sheesh ... I can't remember !) from Eileen saying that Suma is not in and that there weren't anyone in the Library. I said I was okay about going up to the Library (giving me a chance to complete my assignment). So before I left my cosy, cosy prep room, I ate a slice of Gardenia (so good, you can even eat it on its own !). Brought my stuff upstairs and settled down to complete the task. After a few lines (of copying and pasting), I started to feel light headed and nauseated. I thought it was just because my spectacles were a little senget (my niece sat on my face. I was wearing my glasses then). So I took it off and decided to rest my head. Leaned back on the seat and I started to feel really awful.

Eileen came up then to chit chat. Told her I was overcame with sudden light headedness. She smiled that knowing smile. I said, "Har, I'm joining your club." She looked taken aback so I quickly said, "The nauseousness bit of it." She smiled. After a few minutes (during which I told her there is a security cam facing our direction. I was sitting back on the chair with my bare feet on an opposite chair, getting really comfy) when she decided to siam for a bit. When she left I went back to the counter and lay my head down. I got that full feeling and so decided to make my way to the loo. Har too late. I regurgitate right in front of the counter. Luckily there was no one to witness my "drama".

Quickly I went to the loo and the rest came up. Man, what a head rush.

Puked a couple more times. Once more in the Library loo and the other in my prep room. Arrgghh ....

I feel so weak. My tummy feels weak. I can't even eat the Gardenia (so good, you can even eat it on its own !) I brought for lunch. Made me a mug of Milo and I'm not even half way through it. Although the Chinese pear I just ate seemed to be holding on. Eileen suggested that I take something sour in, so I had a piece of Orange Peel. I don't know how all of them are holding on. I might need to empty out the tummy again. Shoot. I can't swivel my head without feeling faint. Must. Turn. My. Whole. Body. To. Look. At. The. Sides.

On the other hand, naah ...

I can't be pregnant. 1) I'm at that time of the month, and 2) My "boyfriend" is definitely not a phantom lover !

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