silentscream Search

Sunday, December 14, 2003


The movie makes me feel all gooey and sappy inside ! I'd even want my non-existant phantom lover "boyfriend" !!!!

Went to watch the movie with Elaine, Fie and Sha. We basically spent the better part of the afternoon, evening and night together. I really miss my secondary school days. Those days when you can still dream the impossible. Trudging down a road you are unsure of the destination. The mistakes you made were so easily forgivable. I want those days back !!!

I realised how much we think (assume) we know someone when in actuality we know nothing of them at all. Why are we all so afraid to let people in ? Why do we ever mask our true feelings and face each day with a facade ? Why ? Why ?

Why can't we all love and be loved ????


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