silentscream Search

Sunday, December 29, 2002

Tell me what kind of punishment should be mete out to people who leaves their online weblog to float around cyberspace without any updates for months and months? Tell me because I would really love to "punish" Fie, Sha and myself. Yeah, sadist.

I've come to this conclusion. My primary job leaves me with way too much time! Now when I'm "stuck" in my secondary position, everything gets neglected. Even clothes shopping. I really, really need to get new clothes! I'm like wearing tops from my poly days!
If only, I'd get paid better...yeah...right...only in my dreams. My company has decided on a wage freeze until the second half of next year. So it means no increment...*sighs*

Alright, actually sounds worse that the situation warrants for. Anyway, if you guys still see me in the togs that might have looked familiar in December next year, it means, still no increment for me. Which sort of give me grounds for leaving. Am I making sense here?

I'm going to play me some online games now. Thanks for bearing. =S

Saturday, December 14, 2002

Oh's been the longest time since I'd last wrote online. many things have happened. One of my colleagues, Mr Neo, resigned and guess who is the acting Admissions Officer? Yeah, Helena...well, it's just a title...something fancy but the work is like...hmmm...let's just say you "pah-kau liao" everything....

Hari Raya had come and week now. A number of relatives had come over, and I didn't managed to really visit my relatives. My aunt, mother's side. My dad's side, many, many people I'd never had the chance to go a-visiting.

Tomorrow, I'm hoping to be a fun day. Invited a number of people to my house for Sunday makan. Heeheeh...mostly I was thinking of Jerian. Poor kid...she really missed my mother's cooking. One of those people who absolutely luuuuurrrrveeee my ma's cooking...I hope the people I've invited can make it. Namely, Jerian (of course...!), Belle, Eve, Steph, Chow, Kristin, Fie and Sha. Sha might not able to come. I think Fie too...*shrugs* It would be nice to put all these people under the same house...My colleagues, poly as well as my sec sch mates.

Okay menu....
Corn rice, chicken cooked in chilli and tomato sauce, mutton korma (maybe...) and pachri nenas (pineapple dish...). Jer love the pineapple dish!

Hmm..maybe I will include fried chicken? We'll, see...we'll see...

That's all for tonight's update...

Oh, I hope none of them will get lost tomorrow looking for my residence!

Wednesday, November 27, 2002

Checked my SAT 1 scores. 1 2 7 0...Woo-hoo...!

Will probably try to take again...

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Made a good find yesterday. Got 4 used CDs for 12 bucks! *happiness* No, they are not pirated, CDs are still in good condition. The covers aren't. One problem though, the "George Michael's Older" CD turns out to be a single *:o(* I'm going back to Cash Converters in Parkway Parade to have it changed after work later. Hopefully, that is possible! Okay the CDs I got were "Roxette's Hits Album (err...forgot the actual title)", "Connor Reeves' Earthbound" (his voice, wow!) and "Class 95 Love Songs collection, Vol 4". I like the last one because all the tracks on it are those I love. Absolutely love them! Too bad about the George Michael CD.

Met Samuel last night to return his SAT book. Went to Cash Converters, then went to grab dinner (need energy after 1 day of fasting). After that we went to Giant hypermarker. Got a trolley and went shopping for foodstuffs! Him mostly. I just tagged along. It was fun seeing his shopping habits, a bit weird though.

So anyway, that was my exploits for the day. Oh, my elder sis celebrated her 23rd birthday (damn fast, soon I'll be 22 and then 23...*sighs*) yesterday. I just bought cake for everyone (yeah, I'm the sweet sistah...!). Oh, one last note if you guys are hard up for money you can try to sell off your "weird" collection to CC. Not much returns but if you're really desperate...and if you need anything unique that people are trying to load off....just head on down to CC...!

Monday, November 18, 2002

I'm tired. I'm sleepy. I'm hungry. I'm thristy. And I have to work from 9 to 6 everyday, Mondays to Fridays from now till the end of the year. It's a drag but I have to endure it. I can't complain, a rite of passage I have to go through. It sucks but which life doesn't?

So there, my ranting for the day.

Thursday, November 14, 2002's been a busy, busy past two days for me. The crowd of registrants comes at inappropriate times. They would usually turn up at around 4 pm and that leaves us with only an hour to serve them. Some come to see Mr Ong and Mrs Sui, others come in for the interview before admission is granted. Phew...! I was running around trying to appease unhappy parents / guardians who waited to see the important people. On top of that I have to settle the data entry and the immigration forms. Yesterday was especially hell...!

Lucky Chow took leave today and tomorrow, plus Monday too. This Saturday we are not on so he gets 5 days...Whoah...I'm so jealous...!
Anyway, good for him, cause he's a hard worker. Poor chap, all his bosses are a bit *rotating forefinger near the temple*. So enjoy yourself on your leave days! I know I will too if I have the courage to take leave!

Okay, I need to go to the GO soon. Hey you guys gotta see this....please....! Scroll down to Staff and Teachers' Day Dinner 2002. Anybody familiar?

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

What a nice day to day turns out to be. I know it's still early but everything seemed to be going 'right' for me at this moment...

I guess I'm over my storm clouds and the sun is shining all around. Radio's playing all the coolest songs...Aircon's not too strong...Life's peachy I must say.

No I'm not under influence. Okay define what influence...

Seize the wonderful day, guys!

Monday, November 11, 2002

I'm still coughing. You know the phelgmy sorta cough. It's kinda nice to still have remnants of my bug. At least people at work show their concern. Hence I won't be bogged down by too many duties. The school bus arrived early today. So here I am writing my 'sob' story for all the world to see. Okay, it's getting a tad boring, me talking about my symptoms...I have to inform you guys beforehand. I might not be able to write as frequently as ever because my job location is now in the General Office wef today. It sucks because I love the sanctuary of my prep room. Har...'my' prep room...

So Fie, if Max is dead, it is like the end of the season/series? Bummer because I do like Roswell. The first season at least. After which I lose the plot and stopped watching.

Ten minutes to go before I stepped into the GO. I wish I could so not go there. But I'm just a lowly employee. Shucks, I so not want to work for other people. Have I got a choice? Oh, well...someday. Perhaps.

Thursday, November 07, 2002

I feel better today. Less irritation to the throat and clogging of the nasal area. Woke up to the song, "Heal The World". It's a little disconcerting to hear the song at 5.40 in the am. Kinda makes you feel that you should do something today to make someone's life slightly better.

So I will try to make someone else's b**** morning slightly better. Hey, anyone of you out there need something cheerful to look forward to? Just write and I promise I will get back to you and try to help. Afterall what goes around comes around!

"Children are like TV sets. When they start acting weird, whack them across the head with a big rubber basketball shoe." - Hunter S. Thompson

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Hello guys. Sorry for the long hiatus. I was ill ( still ill. Coughing my lungs out, blowing my brains out (through the nostrils of course..), basically flu attack). I was just feeling a little bit feverish yesterday, went to the doctor's, got my medicine and M.C. and rested at home. My nose was runny and my throat was itchy. No sign of the Cough. I couldn't sleep the day before, yes cause of the nose bit. Couldn't breathe. Okay, medicine given to "cure" me was antibiotics (useless against viral flu, useful for strep though), orange pills for fever and headaches, yellow pills for the runny nose and lozenges (what...?!). Imagine swallowing 3 humongous pills and a tiny one. And lo and behold, when I woke up this morning, got the Cough. Ain't it a b****?

The SAT was okay, I guess. I had an urgent need to pee midway through the exam. Didn't want to go to the Ladies for fear of losing precious time! This time, I managed to leave one or two Maths questions untouched. No time to finish them. Also, for the English section I managed to answer all the questions in the given time. Oh, I did slow down and read the questions carefully. Can't afford to throw away points. One thing I was disatisfied with was towards the end of the Sections, I would always get startled. Imagine this scenario, everything was quiet in the great, big hall. Everyone was answering diligently. No pip from anybody. The clock was also not making its usual ticking sounds (so engrossed in answering, you don't notice the littlest sounds). Then suddenly, "Alright, stop writing, put your pencils down." From the speakers. Yowza, wouldn't you be startled too? I even managed to colour my ovals out!
But I hope I did okay (see my target score, but if I get higher, even better!) in this one. Otherwise, I might need to take another one!

The month of Ramadan begins today. To all the Muslims, reading this entry, "Happy Fasting and may this month bring the most worthy deeds out of everyone!"

Thursday, October 31, 2002

It's so nice to finally see that p s e u d o is back online !!! I missed your posts !!! *gushing*

I tried the sample SAT questions in the book I've been using to prepare myself. I scored 1170. It's so low. I was targetting 1250 at least! As I went through the questions and answers, I realised I made a lot of careless mistakes on the Verbal section. I often read the questions too fast and omitted certain key words and eventually got the answers wrong. I need to slow down in the Verbal section. Often, I have time left over when I do the Verbal sections!

The opposite happened for me in the Maths section. I was too slow and couldn't finish answering the last questions. I shouldn't be spending so much time on the first third of the questions which are pretty easy. Damn...I lose points like nobody's business! Stupid, stupid...*knocks head with knuckle*

I will go through the questions again and try to answer the questions that I didn't have time to do it. hopefully this will boost my confidence. Oh, I need to tell myself not to waste time doing long calculation. (Must use calculator....Must use calculator....)


Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Eh, not bad, huh? I'm getting quite good in this. Hehehehehe....
I'm panicking over my upcoming SAT exam this coming Saturday. Even so, I am NOT studying for it. Part of me has already resigned to the fact that I will never get into the University here. It sucks big time but I guess for the simple fact that I am basically not smart enough. Imagine competing for places in the Uni when you know that 'A' level students get priority. And believe me you, the students are getting smarter and smarter. I was just thinking how for some minority, the road to higher education is so much smoother as compared to mine. Did I made the wrong choice way back at 16? Perhaps I should have chosen the easier path to Uni instead of going to Poly. Then I wouldn't have met the most influential people in my life. It totally bites...and my fingers are frozen...

Talking crap is stressing my brain sells cells !!!!!!

Monday, October 28, 2002

"...As a rule cat-lovers have a stronger personality bias towards working alone, independent of the larger group."
"...all of us, or nearly all of us, have both feline and canine elements in our personality. We have moods when we want to be alone and thoughtful, and other times when we wish to be in the center of a crowded, noisy room."

Taken from a book written by a zoologist and published in 1986.

Thursday, October 24, 2002

9 days to SAT exam.

Oh, I got my exam center. It's at Ngee Ann Secondary School. Thank goodness I got the center near my place!

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Some people would consider me to have no fashion taste at all.

Or a weirdo.

Consider my outfit to work today. My favourite brown checked shirt coupled with my black work pants. You know the office type, made of linen, if I'm not mistaken. And to complete the look, a pair of sports shoes or trainers or gym shoes or definitely not-proper-office-shoes-slash-sandals.





So off to work I went and yeah, I do feel the weird looks given by people. Not that I'm a non-confirmist but I guess I dared to be different and look stupid in the process.

And besides, I don't give a turd of what these people are thinking.

p/s: The reason I wasn't wearing my usual well-mannered shoes was because of my socks. They had a little tiff last night and I do NOT wish to aggravate the situation and victimised my feet. :o)

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

So I'm like climbing up my creaky ladder to put back all the indicator bottles back in their place when I realised something. Why does this brand new metal ladder make a sound every single time I climbed aboard? Maximum load is 100kg. I was like thinking, I'm definitely not that heavy, am I? It's not just me. The contractor who came in to check the aircon also has got the same creaky problem. My question is, do they make these ladders so that they can spread the creakiness? I mean our bones get creaky at some point or another. But ladders too? It's brand new for Pete's sake!

Monday, October 21, 2002

I think my dad's okay now. Although he's been feeling a little lethargic since the fall. Does that constitutes as alright, fine, okay?

Friday, October 18, 2002

You know how your feelings can change its course so abruptly? One minute you're sad and depressed, thinking the rest of the world is out to get you. You rant and rave and fume (quietly, of course) and the next the joys of being alive comes abounding. Well, yeah, it all happened to me today. Within the space of an hour!

I applied for leave on the 5th of December but the thing is I have to swop duties with somebody else so that there will not be short of manpower. Tried once, failed miserably. I was so, gosh...what's the word to use, hmm...disillusioned. Yeah, I hated everybody at that moment. Like everything's so unfair and stuff. Then I managed to rationalise. And decided instead of having the full day leave, I can take half day, right?

So I went back to my boss to tell him. He was pretty nice about it, he said I could try the swopping thing again on another day. And then Heman agreed, and yeah...I can take my leave on the 5th! The world is a beeeauuutifulll place, indeed!
I received a scare on my way home yesterday. I was on 170 after waiting for eons for another 67 to come along. Chatting and laughing with Eve and Chow. Then I heard my message tone go off. Dig, dig inside my bag and finally the phone was retrieved. Flip it open.


Read Now?

I pressed OK and this "cryptic" message appeared.

(5 - New)
*Hel,org kal tak amgkat?bapak jatuh seh...balik cepat..kepala terhentak..muntah..pening...
Date: 17/10
Time: 17:52

My first instinct was to cry out, "Oh f***! Not again." My dad had a fall about 2 years ago and was hospitalised for a few days. Last time was at work. Now at home. So I called home. My mother picked up the call and I asked if Dad had been to the doctor. She said he doesn't want to go even after urging him many, many times. She said she will tell me more when I get home. I was slightly ticked off because Dad didn't want to go for a checkup.
When I got home, I asked why he didn't want to go to the doctor and his reply was it was minor. And that he's fine now. I said I will take him personally to the doctor and he retorted that it's his body and he knows what was going on inside. My sisters urged him to go but he still insisted that he's alright. At some point last night I asked him which university awarded him his M.D. He just kept quiet.
This morning, he woke me up and left for work as normal. *sighs*

*Translation: Hel, I call call but you didn't pick up (actually I didn't hear the phone ring)? Dad had a fall...come home quickly..hit his head..vomitted..headaches...

Thursday, October 17, 2002

I know, I should put away the happy pills. But I just can't seem to stop popping them down my oesophagus. My only excuse, the font is nice.
I just surfed through to Fie's blog page and guess what? She has the same colour scale as this one. Everybody's in the greying mode. Wonder why? Must be the weather here. All foggy and hazy *eeyucks..!* (it's pouring as this entry is being made...)...

The rain just stopped. Can you believe it?
I am more at peace with this. Hmm...Thanks Jer for providing a good colour blend for me to 'borrow' your colour scheme. *grins*

Now I'm thinking of putting an image of that famous screaming painting. We'll see...
Okay I changed my mind. I do NOT wish to "deafened" anybody and get sued in return....
You know what? I think I need to make the colours on this page more sedate. The title and the colours don't go, don't you think? No...wait a minute.

I think subconsciously I was going for colours to do the screaming for me. Aurally, you don't hear the screams but it just totally screamed, right? So I'd probably stick with this.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

I was involved in an almost accident just now on the way to work. And I think it would be disasterous for that Merc driver. Stupid fool tried to antoganize a bus. A school bus to boot. I didn't actually saw the events leading to the near accident. I was listening to my discman and reading my Wendy Holden, when I heard the faint strains of the horn. I looked up and I saw this black Merc trying to turn in to one of the small lanes that the bus was apparently trying to cross ahead. You know, like a T-junction kinda thingy. By the time the bus was jerking forward. Stopping, going, stopping.
It came to a screeching halt and my bag flew down to the seat in front. The driver said, "F***!" In BIG bold letters. He handbraked the bus and promptly got out, jogged over to the Merc driver, who was by now waiting for 3 schoolgirls in white uniform to get in, and gave a tongue lashing. He kept pointing back to the bus while talking. I can imagine what he was saying, "You damn fool. The bus is carrying school children, (okay teenagers) and you cannot wait. It took a few seconds but the driver kept apologising (by raising his hands, I saw).
Someone snickered at the back of the bus as the driver was getting back to the bus. He said something which I hadn't caught (coz I was still on my discman) and shook his head. I shook mine too (with a what-the-world-is-coming-to expression). Then he started the bus and we went on our way to our destination.

The whole incident took only a few minutes. The minutes that I never want to regret.

Monday, October 14, 2002

I'm still not satisfied as to how this page should look so I'm just going to leave this as it is until I come back to it later. Have got to start work now. Lunch time's over!
I've just created this new blog page. Yeah, I've been toying with the idea of my very own personal weblog like Fie has done. I don't know, I guess I'm not really a sharer. Juz Da 3 Of Us is recently Juz Me. It seemed like I was the only one who bothered to write in. Quite a bummer because we used to have high hopes of an online diary. Well, some things will never take off. *laughs*

Should I just write cheery stuff or should I make full use of this to rant and rave. Is it even worth it?