silentscream Search

Monday, November 11, 2002

I'm still coughing. You know the phelgmy sorta cough. It's kinda nice to still have remnants of my bug. At least people at work show their concern. Hence I won't be bogged down by too many duties. The school bus arrived early today. So here I am writing my 'sob' story for all the world to see. Okay, it's getting a tad boring, me talking about my symptoms...I have to inform you guys beforehand. I might not be able to write as frequently as ever because my job location is now in the General Office wef today. It sucks because I love the sanctuary of my prep room. Har...'my' prep room...

So Fie, if Max is dead, it is like the end of the season/series? Bummer because I do like Roswell. The first season at least. After which I lose the plot and stopped watching.

Ten minutes to go before I stepped into the GO. I wish I could so not go there. But I'm just a lowly employee. Shucks, I so not want to work for other people. Have I got a choice? Oh, well...someday. Perhaps.

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