silentscream Search

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Hello guys. Sorry for the long hiatus. I was ill ( still ill. Coughing my lungs out, blowing my brains out (through the nostrils of course..), basically flu attack). I was just feeling a little bit feverish yesterday, went to the doctor's, got my medicine and M.C. and rested at home. My nose was runny and my throat was itchy. No sign of the Cough. I couldn't sleep the day before, yes cause of the nose bit. Couldn't breathe. Okay, medicine given to "cure" me was antibiotics (useless against viral flu, useful for strep though), orange pills for fever and headaches, yellow pills for the runny nose and lozenges (what...?!). Imagine swallowing 3 humongous pills and a tiny one. And lo and behold, when I woke up this morning, got the Cough. Ain't it a b****?

The SAT was okay, I guess. I had an urgent need to pee midway through the exam. Didn't want to go to the Ladies for fear of losing precious time! This time, I managed to leave one or two Maths questions untouched. No time to finish them. Also, for the English section I managed to answer all the questions in the given time. Oh, I did slow down and read the questions carefully. Can't afford to throw away points. One thing I was disatisfied with was towards the end of the Sections, I would always get startled. Imagine this scenario, everything was quiet in the great, big hall. Everyone was answering diligently. No pip from anybody. The clock was also not making its usual ticking sounds (so engrossed in answering, you don't notice the littlest sounds). Then suddenly, "Alright, stop writing, put your pencils down." From the speakers. Yowza, wouldn't you be startled too? I even managed to colour my ovals out!
But I hope I did okay (see my target score, but if I get higher, even better!) in this one. Otherwise, I might need to take another one!

The month of Ramadan begins today. To all the Muslims, reading this entry, "Happy Fasting and may this month bring the most worthy deeds out of everyone!"

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