silentscream Search

Thursday, November 14, 2002's been a busy, busy past two days for me. The crowd of registrants comes at inappropriate times. They would usually turn up at around 4 pm and that leaves us with only an hour to serve them. Some come to see Mr Ong and Mrs Sui, others come in for the interview before admission is granted. Phew...! I was running around trying to appease unhappy parents / guardians who waited to see the important people. On top of that I have to settle the data entry and the immigration forms. Yesterday was especially hell...!

Lucky Chow took leave today and tomorrow, plus Monday too. This Saturday we are not on so he gets 5 days...Whoah...I'm so jealous...!
Anyway, good for him, cause he's a hard worker. Poor chap, all his bosses are a bit *rotating forefinger near the temple*. So enjoy yourself on your leave days! I know I will too if I have the courage to take leave!

Okay, I need to go to the GO soon. Hey you guys gotta see this....please....! Scroll down to Staff and Teachers' Day Dinner 2002. Anybody familiar?

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