silentscream Search

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Get over me

So I met up with him earlier. Talked to him and told him that we should not continue seeing each other. That taking it slow has now come to a halt.

Surprisingly, he took it pretty well. Haha. Considering that Cheeky Monkey thought he might get violent. As if.

One thing he asked me to do. Think it over. And if I still say yes tomorrow, he will let me go. I listened and told him, I'll grant him this request. I know I've made my mind up.


He's a good guy, most times but as you know, we'd drifted a little after he discovered a text which blew everything I knew and trust of him to pieces. Maybe it's the best option yet.


I guess only time will tell if things are meant to be. Things, do indeed happen for a reason. In the grand cosmic universe, nothing is stable. I accept and I believe.

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