silentscream Search

Monday, March 24, 2008

And he said ...

Nothing you idiot.
Dr Dre's dead, he's locked in my basement.

The phrase that had kept me sane through these trying 2 weeks is, "It's easy to flirt with someone if neither of you are really interested. It's much harder to flirt with someone you like."

The issue that had been wrestling in my mind is who is the one I'm really interested in ? Is it really interest, the hinge, that is keeping me with him or is it interest that wants me to try with the other someone ?

I am confused. On the one hand, I should be the mature, take charge person, that I am. On the other hand, I want to throw caution to the wind and just seize the opportunity as it rises.

Then again, what price will I pay for that 2 moments of bliss ? Will it even be the bliss as I envisage it to be ? Or will this be the case of the grass is greener on the other side ? However way I tried to rationalise it, I always come back to this one definite conclusion. Someone's gonna get hurt. Bad.

Will I know ? Do I want to find out ? I don't know. I have a sneaking suspicion that the hurt person will be me. The one who thought too much and too long and so, let slip the best person to cross my path. Do I want to chance it ?

As the words of Mary McGregor, "Torn between two lovers feeling like a fool. Loving both of you is breaking all the rules."

On a more positive note. Man Utd trashed Liverpool last night to go ahead 5 points clear of the top of the EPL table after Arsenal crashed out to Chelsea. Hahaha ... Glory, Glory Man United. And the Reds go marching by ! :D


Salwa Asri said...

Wow! A brand new nice background.... Finally, it's update wif lots of interesting stories. I'm so into yr new page. Like the light colour of the background. Good Job!

Hope to see more of the updates when u have the time ya! =)

MizBGot10 said...

Thank you my dear. I am trying my best to keep this updated as frequently as I can. Fluff pieces, only what ... Hahaha ... :)