silentscream Search

Sunday, March 16, 2008


I owe R an apology. Not just any old apology. A big stinkin' one to boot. I've been a right cock tease (his words, not mine). We both knew what we were going into when we started the exchange. My part, I knew that nothing would come out of it. My mistake ? I did not stop it immediately, instead I revelled in the attention and even encouraged him.

We had a most revealing chat earlier today and I'd been feeling out of sorts. How will I keep up the pretense that nothing happened. Well, technically nothing did happened. But still.

Arghh. So much for me thinking that it was nothing. Apparently, R had expectations. Something that should not have been there if I had not thought like a guy (my words).

And now I can never, ever have the same jokey guy in the office. I won't know when I would overstep the line again. It's just too hard (pardon the pun). I will have to start looking elsewhere.

Meanwhile, a certain someone is still a smidgeon unhappy with me. What did I ever do to piss off so many people at a time ? I'm so losing it. My good humour and sanity.

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